....and I just got assigned a bunch of urgent stuff at work. I'll probably be offline for awhile.
Things seem to have settled down at work. I'm still busier than normal but I have some free time now.
I feel like it's been a really long time since RBH has been mafia..hopefully after this geopolitical situation calms down
@RBHeadge PE can play again
Thanks. I'm good to play now.
That's right, I've had a really long streak of vanilla mafia.
Which I'm totally okay with! But this streak is also following a prolonged period of being assigned mafia or some other special role. I think this is just the randomizer reverting to the mean.
Day 1
Doc Save :
@RBHeadge PE
Cop Investigation:
@RBHeadge PE
Yep. That seems normal.
...And why I don't last long as mafia.
Mod notes:
I prefer the no PM rounds.
It's a different game. And there are advantages to both. I find myself playing much more aggressive, and reckless, when there's no PMs. I also have to pay much closer attention. PM games are more social and laid back imho.
Mod notes:
I like the idea of Cassandra being revealed to the cop similar to if the doctor were revealed to the cop. It continues to add mystery to the game, and if the cop has already had suspicion on who the cassandra is, it would maybe help solidify their suspicion. Also, Cassandra, could be played as a Mafia member. I still want to see that scenario. It would very much add some fun to the game! Of course, it could be interesting if the Cassandra were revealed as the Cassandra while they are simultaneously Mafia.... It is a very fun role!
There's nothing wrong with playing it that way. It's certainly makes it more of a challenge, and fun. Both in PM and no-PM rounds. If it's played that way, then the cop should get an extra investigation to compensate.
Previously, the doc couldn't attempt to save the same person multiple nights in a row. This rule change definitely helped the town out this past round.
The JoaT couldn't save exactly save the same person on successive nights. And I think there was a
@JayKay PE modded round(?) a few months ago where the cop couldn't protect the same person on successive nights. Maybe it was the round when the cassandra was added? But that didn't seem to get carried over into the following rounds.
I bookmarked the rounds I won against him. They're printed out on parchment...in a frame...in a fire-proof safe.

Those were fun rounds. The December '20 mega-round felt like a chess match the whole time.
I have a question about the Cassandra role.
Jean used statements like "I am pretty sure that "Player A" is town." , which to me is not the same as saying "Player A is town." When I was Cassandra, and reading the rules, I was under the impression that the Cassandra's statements had to be phrased like the second phrase. Maybe I just misunderstood the rule, but it obviously drastically changes how the Cassandra is played, and how to look for the Cassandra.
I interpreted it to mean that the cassandra had to have a string of words "<player> is <role>" presented as a fact in a post. Any other text was up to the poster. But I'm by no means the final say on this. I thought that
@jean15paul_PE 's posts were in the spirit and at least 3/4 were of letter of the law.
I do think it's worth talking about some specifics of the Cassandra role. I think the mod should always have the ability to shape the game how they choose, but consistency in the rules of the roles helps players understand. And if something is different it can specifically be called out in the starting mod post.
However, I like what
@jean15paul_PE did. It was more cleverly disguised and gives the Cassandra a bit more cover, so it was good use of words.
I am with
@DLD PE , I like the way that you played the role
@jean15paul_PE . It makes it a little more interesting, otherwise you have to essentially openly confess to being the Cassandra, which makes you an instant target. I think your interpretation of the rules is probably the most sporting.
agree. Cassandra becomes a "**** role" if they have to declare themselves so blatantly to the thread.
while adding a bit of a cloak is "I've read the back and forth from today and have come to a conclusion. (Player) is (role)." The cloak doesn't work if you're a regular and never talk like that.
well that's no problem for me

Thanks for the idea.
Just to put I finer point on it....
I don't think the Cassandra saying something like, "I trust Doth" or "I think Bly is lying" should be enough to count as a reveal. I do think it should be required that you say a specific person is a specific role in some way.
As devil's advocate- "RB picked up on it" is a dangerous precedent to set.