Yes. All players' roles are revealed upon death.Do we at least get to know the affiliation of who ever gets lynched tonight?
Yes. All players' roles are revealed upon death.Do we at least get to know the affiliation of who ever gets lynched tonight?
Bad move.I dunno who to trust at this point. Since nobody else contributed any reads. I have to go with who I believe is left of the town but I have had bad judgement this whole game.
@DuranDuran PE I vote for @beccabun PE
Wait I confused Cheb and chart. Regardless, staying under the radar is a good mafia strategy if you can manage iti don’t know why we continue to bring this to ties with cheby when they haven’t contributed to this round. If they’re mafia, this is a really dumb move on our part.
I got it again earlier too. Though I reported it and left the convo ..I guess it sends everytime I login ... I did report but still
The suspense!!!I'll report Monday
Cheb chart same thing both start with a ChWait I confused Cheb and chart. Regardless, staying under the radar is a good mafia strategy if you can manage it
LMAO@ "I have a lot of work and I'm stressed"
Well she stopped sending it... I guess she is a fellow engineer too and understood meLMAO@ "I have a lot of work and I'm stressed"
Nah, me too. Twice this weekend already.So can someone help me and tell me am I the only one getting random DM here from someone called delarius921 for sex chat lol
"harshaPEAZ, hеy) Еmilly, 25, fеmаlе. Frоm USА. Writе mе оnly in КIK mеssеngеr fоr frее sеx chаt, my usеrnаmе: emi9541"
I guess I need to change my name...