EB Mafia

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I used to have nice handwriting in high school/college. It went down the tubes after I felt forced to write fast during lectures. I recently saw some of my old college notes (for some reason my parents kept it in storage and brought them over after "purging") and it looks like a different person wrote them.
The longer/faster I have to write, the worse it gets... It will look like a different person between the beginning and the end when I write!

Welcome to the 77th Hunger Games!

There are Regular Districts: 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 (Town) and Career Distrcits: 1, 2, 4 (Mafia) members. Townsfolk are going to try to eliminate the Mafia with extreme prejudice before the Mafia eliminates them.

The game ends when one of the following criteria is met:
  • No mafia remain and the District 3 player is still alive.
  • If no mafia remain and the District 3 player is dead then the remaining town will vote to determine surviving player, or it goes to RPS or RNG, or it can be "played out" until two town remains and it goes to RPS.
  • The mafia outnumber the town players. The surviving mafia will be determined by the vote of the mafia or RPS.

The game will start today, Wednesday July 7. Lynching will be allowed on the first day. Mafia can nightkill the first night. The pyscho-killer can start killing Friday evening.

The Mafia members are going to privately tell me who they would like to eliminate during the night. I will reveal to everyone what happened the next morning with some delightful storytelling.

During the day, everybody (townsfolk and Mafia) will publicly vote for a person to eliminate; I will eliminate the person with the most votes at the end of the day and reveal what their role was.

In addition to regular townsfolk and members of the Mafia, there are also the town aligned Doctor, Cop, Martyr, Ranger, and District 13 Spy . The Doctor can choose someone to “save” during the night; if they choose the same person the Mafia/Psychokiller chose, then that player will escape elimination by the Mafia that night; the doctor's save ability works regardless of how many people tried to kill the target at the same time. The Cop can “investigate” players during the day. The Martyr can switch places with someone who is dying (take the bullet/arrow/axe/knife/etc for them instead); the martyr ability is applied before a doctor save; the martyr ability may be used for lynch or nightkill. The ranger may also also kill players during the night beginning with the third night; The District 13 Spy can save all of the players from the arena after the mafia has been eliminated.

edit: ranger=psychokiller (too lazy to go back and make it all consistent)

The Mafia members know who each other are, but no one knows anyone else’s role except me. Each player has received a PM from me with their District assignment and any special instructions.

There are different win criteria for each player. There can be multiple winners this round, including those who died.

District 1 - Career District (Mafia) - wins if survives
District 2 - Career District (Mafia) - wins if survives
District 3 - Regular District (Town/District 13 Spy) - wins if survives; can have District 13 rescues the townies after mafia eliminated
District 4 - Career District (Mafia) - wins if survives
District 5 - Regular District (Town) - wins if survives game or survives to final five
District 6 - Regular District (Town/Martyr) - wins if survives or uses martyr ability on a regular district player
District 7 - Regular District (Town) - wins if survives
District 8 - Regular District (Town) - wins if survives or get nightkilled by career district
District 9 - Regular District (Town/Doc) - wins if survives or make a rescue
District 10 - Regular District (Town/Cop) - wins if all career district players are eliminated
District 11 - Regular District (Town) - wins if survives or get nightkilled by career district
District 12 - Regular District (Town/Ranger) - wins if survives or nightkills a career district

Standard EB-mafia game rules apply which means PMing is allowed! However, I-the-all-powerful-PANEM-game-master have cameras and microphones everywhere so I must be be copied on all PMs. It makes for better television!


Please keep all trash talk in the thread and don’t take things too seriously!

You may use this thread to vote and post about the game. Anyone (playing or not playing, eliminated or not) can use this thread to speculate, discuss, accuse, or otherwise participate in the game; just please make sure to follow regular EB forum guidelines.

To vote on a person to eliminate, mention me @RBHeadge PE and tell me specifically that 1) you are voting and 2) the username of the person you are voting to eliminate.

Please submit your votes by 9:00 PM EST/8:00 PM Central/7:00 PM Mountain/6:00 PM Pacific Time/Whatever Roar and Bly-time ; I will count votes after that time as being for the next day.

Your vote only counts if you are playing and not yet eliminated. If there is a tie for most votes, I will pick one of the voted users at random and/or require the tied players to send me 10 rounds of 'rock, paper, scissors'. If there are no votes, I will pick a person at random (i.e. role will not matter) to eliminate; suffice it to say it’s in both groups’ best interest to vote for at least one person.

Finally, you are not allowed to reveal your role, privately or publicly, after you have been eliminated. You may not post screengrabs of private messages in this thread.

For reference, the 12 players in this round are:

@djl PE @DuranDuran PE @SaltySteve PE @NikR_PE @beccabun PE @BlueBlueprint_PE @squaretaper LIT AF PE @Dothracki PE @vhab49_PE @MadamPirate PE @Roarbark @JayKay PE

I very much regret not playing this round
Tonight is anniversary dinner night, so I probably won't be back on again. Since we are celebrating 20 years... (yes 20), i spun the randomizer 20 times. High vote wins (or loses - whichever way you want to look at it).

@RBHeadge PE I vote for @DuranDuran PE because apparently the random wheel picker liked them.

I am so confused. But I also drank and ate a ton tonight. So I might just be gassy. Huuuuuuge piece of stuffed salmon (I don’t know what it was stuffed with), and I had a huge bowl of steamed mussels before that. Also had rice pudding and cappuccino.

I need to go back to work. I’m going to die of alcohol poisoning this vacation.

Programming note: These initial gifs are just for storytelling and setting the atmosphere. If you get the references great, if not the don't worry about it.












Caesar Erskine: Oh wow, what a way to kick off the 76th hunger games!

Dr Claudius Zola: Ab-so-fucking-lute-ly! The cornucopia was extra bloody this year with twelve of the twenty-four candidates already dead within minutes.

Caesar: And all of the districts are still represented! Wow. Let's go back to the highlights, I want to really see the brains hit the walls again!

Most of the surviving tributes have scattered across the arena doing their best to run and hide from the carnage. Only the career pledges from Districts 1, 2, and 4 remain at the cornucopia to hoard for weapons and supplies and set up a defensive barrier.

Meanwhile the other pledges spend the day licking their wounds and taking stock of their situation. Occasionally a few would encounter each other, setting the stage for potential alliances against the slightly older kids who have been bred and trained to kill them.

Elsewhere the remaining pledge from District 10 has begun stalking the other pledges. They spend all day following another pledge around trying to determine their motives. And the pledge from District 9 readies their med kits that was dropped from the sky by our sympathetic(?) viewers. Meanwhile the pledge from District 12 tries to find a bow to use to take out the other kids from a distance. Maybe one of our generous benefactors would be willing to drop one for them?

As the moon rises three pledges accidently come across each other in a clearing. @beccabun PE spots the other two first. She grabs a nearby branch to act as a club. @djl PE and @squaretaper LIT AF PE weren't paying that close of attention to one another and ran right into one another. @beccabun PE uses the confusion as an opportunity to run away (she was the first to send me RPS). Surprised by the other person they each grab for the weapons they grabbed at the cornucopia. @squaretaper LIT AF PE lifts up his axe and begins to swing. But @djl PE was too quick and tossed a dagger into his throat (square did not send RPS). He uses his last breath to gargle "DUDE!" and dies.

@squaretaper LIT AF PE was from

He was a townie who just wanted to live and be a lumberjack. Because being a lumberjack is okay!


The remaining players are: @djl PE @DuranDuran PE @SaltySteve PE @NikR_PE @beccabun PE @BlueBlueprint_PE @Dothracki PE @vhab49_PE @MadamPirate PE @Roarbark @JayKay PE