EB Mafia

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Day 4/Night 4

In the late afternoon, @Dothracki PE and @ChebyshevII PE stayed in the pool for a spell to work on their defense, taking turns to give the other player a shot at the goal. After they'd had enough and got out to dry off, @Dothracki PE was lamenting his performance. "Have you noticed the better players here are built like truck drivers, but have the touch of hair stylists?", @ChebyshevII PE egged on, "You're built like a hair stylist but have the touch of a truck driver." And with that, @ChebyshevII PE grabbed @Dothracki PE and pulled them both into the pull. Surfacing with a headlock, @ChebyshevII PE said, "Don't worry, I'll make it quick. And please don't take it personal. Business is business." He underestimated [USER=39215]@Dothracki PE 's skills as a swimmer as he slipped out of Cheby's arms and with a quick elbow to the side of Cheby's head, knocked him unconscious. "Don't worry", whispered @Dothracki PE later, as he led him to the deep end of the pool, "Don't take it personal. I'll make sure the hair stylist makes you look good at your funeral!"

@Dothracki PE walked back to the hotel. "Where's @ChebyshevII PE ?", asked @RBHeadge PE . "Taking a water break," replied @Dothracki PE , "But the only thing he'll be pushing anymore is daisies. Looks like we got rid of another pusher!"

That night, the mafia gathered in the hotel's conference room. "I don't know what we can do. It's almost like they can read our minds. Heck, it's easier to make the octopush team than it is to sell drugs!", said one mafia member. "Agree. If we can't turn this around in the next day or so, we might have to search for another town. In the meantime, let's select our next target and re-group in the morning."

They passed around a few product that hadn't been selling well and lit up. A little "gelato" here, some "purple punch" there, and someone even brought girl scout cookies. The party started to make them forget about the past days' failures, and they spent the evening playing games. Monopoly, some Battleship, then Clue. But no one really had a Clue...on what to do....or whom to do it to.

@ChebyshevII PE was lynched by the town. He was a regular mafia.

There was no night kill target.

Final vote count:

x5 @ChebyshevII PE (@RBHeadge PE, @SaltySteve PE, @Dothracki PE , @JayKay PE, @squaretaper LIT AF PE )
x2 @RBHeadge PE (@ChebyshevII PE, @djl PE )

Remaining players:
@squaretaper LIT AF PE , @Dothracki PE , @MadamPirate PE , @RBHeadge PE, @JayKay PE, @SaltySteve PE, @djl PE
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