EB Mafia

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@NikR_PE was lynched by the town. He was the mafia doctor.

Day 3/Night 3

Trials continued and @squaretaper LIT AF PE had emerged as one of the better octopush players, and he wasn't shy admitting it. Coupled with his constant flirting with @MadamPirate PE , his popularity among the group was dwindling. However, his skills with the underwater hockey stick (or "pusher" as it's called) were unmatched, and he was considered one of the best pushers in the world. "I'm one of the best pushers in the world!", proclaimed @squaretaper LIT AF PE. "I can push that puck anyway and anyhow I want." @MadamPirate PE tried to ignore him, reading yet another book and sipping on her mango tango. "Whatever", she said. Square pushed on, "Hey, it's not my fault everyone else here is envious. It don't matter what kind of stick you got if you don't know how to use it. How about you jump in and get wet with me and I'll show you how to push it!"

@MadamPirate PE had enough. She got up, threw her drink in Square's face, and with a roundhouse kick sent him back into the pool. "I don't get it", exclaimed Square. "Why doesn't anyone like me?"

"Nothing really surprises me anymore", mumbled @MadamPirate PE , sitting back down to read her book:


@RBHeadge PE and @djl PE paired off for some one-on-one drills. @djl PE was growing tired of getting constantly gamed by @RBHeadge PE , so he asked for help. "Your problem is you're telegraphing each push", offered RBH. "You need to approach the puck the same way each time. You're so predictable, by the time your pusher reaches the puck, I already know if you're going to push it, slap it, go left or go right."

@SaltySteve PE went to the locker room, tired from the tryouts and eager to freshen up. His mind was on pizza and not paying attention when he accidently bumped into @NikR_PE , who dropped his gym bag, and the contents spilled out onto the floor. "What the...", gasped Salty. "What are you doing with a medical syringe, morphine, and first aid kit? Wait, you're a doctor? You were there when @beccabun PE was shot, and you did nothing!!! You're not a real doctor. You must be with the mafia!" @NikR_PE tried to split, but Salty was too quick.

@NikR_PE's body was later found in the locker room shower, strangled with a towel.

That night, @djl PE called @RBHeadge PE to a large hole which had been dug outside the pool. "I hear you know something about pools, so I was wondering if you could help us find this drain pipe leak." "Let me take a look," replied @RBHeadge PE as he walked close to the freshly dug hole. A quick shove was all it took. RBHeadge fell face forward, knocked semi-conscious from the impact. "Bet you didn't see that push coming, did you?!", laughed DJL, and climbed into a bobcat skid steer with a scoop full of woodchips ready to fill in the hole. "Hmmm, nope I forgot to telegraph that move!", he continued. @RBHeadge PE , still dazed, couldn't move, and was resigned to accept his fate. "What, no topsoil?" DJL laughed again, "Nah, have you seen the price of topsoil lately? I got these woodchips at a bargain from someone in Vermont. Adios amigo!"

Later, the others in the group arrived with @blybrook PE and got @blybrook PE to dig @RBHeadge PE out. He was barely alive, but the doctor was able to do his miracle work.

@NikR_PE was lynched by the town. He was the mafia doctor.
@RBHeadge PE was targeted by the mafia but saved by the town doctor.

Final vote count:

x5 @NikR_PE (RBHeadge PE, SaltySteve PE, JayKay PE, Squaretaper LIT AF PE, Dothracki PE)
x1 @RBHeadge PE (NikR_PE)
x1 Shakin' Things (@jean15paul_PE )

Remaining players:
@squaretaper LIT AF PE , @Dothracki PE , @MadamPirate PE , @RBHeadge PE, @ChebyshevII PE , @JayKay PE, @SaltySteve PE, @djl PE
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Updated reads:

@JayKay PE (per maf investigation)
@SaltySteve PE (per maf investigation, survived nightkill)
@RBHeadge PE (survived nightkill, crtt tie vote day 2, led town vote on day 3)

Probably Town
@Dothracki PE (voted against maf on day 2 and 3, was important- but not crit - vote on day 2)
@squaretaper LIT AF PE (crit vote against maf on day 3)

@MadamPirate PE (hasn't voted yet)

Probably mafia
@ChebyshevII PE (didn't vote for maf investigator on day 2)

@djl PE (confessed, has bulletproof vest)

Town investigator is dead
Maf investigator is dead
mad doctor is dead

Town doctor is alive. (THANKS DOC!)

Assume 6T-5M start, then current tally is 5T-3M
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