EB Mafia

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Okay, based on my info, the following players are unknowns: RBH, MP, doth, and square. There are 2 doctors (mafia, townie), and 2 townie left, if it was a 6/5 townie and mafia split. The following knowledge is known:
  • Square is always mafia, except when he isn't (usually in a tragic manner),
  • RBH shares a bunch of knowledge after the second day when a townie,
  • MP is usually maf, but tries to be sneaky when maf, and is not being sneaky right now,
  • Doth...is hard to understand because they're a crow and I don't speak bird.
Okay, based on my info, the following players are unknowns: RBH, MP, doth, and square. There are 2 doctors (mafia, townie), and 2 townie left, if it was a 6/5 townie and mafia split. The following knowledge is known:
  • Square is always mafia, except when he isn't (usually in a tragic manner),
  • RBH shares a bunch of knowledge after the second day when a townie,
  • MP is usually maf, but tries to be sneaky when maf, and is not being sneaky right now,
  • Doth...is hard to understand because they're a crow and I don't speak bird.

I hate to do this but there is no real proof that either of us aren't mafia. We have only fully confirmed that @txjennah PE was a mafia investigator but what if she investigated both of us and realized that one was town and one was mafia....then said both of us were Townies to cloak the other one.

@RBHeadge PE that begs the question, are you mafia? That scenario should have been one that you would have gamed out unless I'm missing something?
I hate to do this but there is no real proof that either of us aren't mafia. We have only fully confirmed that @txjennah PE was a mafia investigator but what if she investigated both of us and realized that one was town and one was mafia....then said both of us were Townies to cloak the other one.

@RBHeadge PE that begs the question, are you mafia? That scenario should have been one that you would have gamed out unless I'm missing something?
Is it possible? Yes. Do schemes like that work with our group for more than a day or two? No.
Did I game it out? Partially. I didn't do a full event tree. I didn't see the need given how cleanly everything shook out last night. There isn't much mystery left and mathematically the town's only hope is that everyone on team Town is on the same page and actively playing, AND that the mafia makes some errors.

And yes, I stated I was not on the same team at @djl PE yesterday. In other words: I'm a townie. I don't mind declaring it outright in this game format because it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. My voting record last night should heavily imply I'm a townie.
FTR, I'd quickly and freely declare to be mafia in this game format too.
Concerning the vest:

I want to make it clear to everyone how I originally intended (and still intend) for the bullet-proof vest to work:

1. It was intended the person who solved the ridder was awarded the vest and not made known to the public. If the winner wants to announce it, that's their business.
2. When the vest-wearer is targeted they're protected by the vest. Let's say you're wearing the vest and get riddled (no pun intended) with bullets. You'd remove your vest and go on your way. Or get another one. There's no need for medical attention. A doc save therefore is unnecessary.
3. This does not work in reverse. If a doc "saves" someone who is wearing a vest, this doesn't mean a person gets saved and gets to keep the vest. A "save" comes after the fact (after someone is targeted and mortally injured).

Sorry for any confusion. I meant to award the vest to give someone a second chance. I didn't think of the scenario where a vest-wearer was simultaneously saved by the doc.
Is it possible? Yes. Do schemes like that work with our group for more than a day or two? No.
Did I game it out? Partially. I didn't do a full event tree. I didn't see the need given how cleanly everything shook out last night. There isn't much mystery left and mathematically the town's only hope is that everyone on team Town is on the same page and actively playing, AND that the mafia makes some errors.

And yes, I stated I was not on the same team at @djl PE yesterday. In other words: I'm a townie. I don't mind declaring it outright in this game format because it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. My voting record last night should heavily imply I'm a townie.
FTR, I'd quickly and freely declare to be mafia in this game format too.
Good enough for me. @DuranDuran I vote for @ChebyshevII PE