EB Mafia

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Day 1

The competitors continued to arrived the pool complex. A few dove in right away to for some early practice. @tj_PE arrived a bit later and quickly assessed the situation.

@Dothracki PE re-surfaced from a dive. “Hey, this water is dirty! I can barely see the playing surface, much less the puck!” @tj_PE darted a furtive look toward the lifeguard tower and started shouting. “WELL?!?...I paid you in advance and gave you a budget to fix this place. WHAT’S GOING ON?!?” @blybrook PE sat quietly for a spell, unfazed, only focused on the bobber at the end of his line. “You paid me with an ice bucket-full of fish, and as you can see, there’s nothing left!”, pointing to the empty bucket on his head. “Besides,” he continued, “this is the only thing keeping me cool. It’s hot out here for a bear, ya know. Maybe I can catch dessert in a desert.” TJ stomped off furiously. “I guess that’s what I get for hiring a bear.” At the poolside bar, @txjennah PE nudged the player next to her: “How are we supposed to play if we can’t see?” “No idea,” replied @RBHeadge PE , “But you can’t blame @blybrook PE . Have you seen the price of pool filters lately? You can’t have a million dollar pool on a ten cent budget. @tj_PE thinks the best way to double her money is to fold it over and put it back in her pocket.”

@SaltySteve PE asked @squaretaper LIT AF PE , “I wonder what BlyBrook is fishing for?” Overhearing the conversation, @NikR_PE chimed in, “Most likely red-herring. There are plenty of them this time of year. With no filters, the pool is probably filled with river water.”

“It’s not just the pool,” said @beccabun PE . “I heard the hotel we’re staying in is filthy, like people bring their dogs, cats, llamas or whatever, and the cats aren’t even litter-box trained.

“Nothing really surprises me anymore,” said @MadamPirate PE , not looking up from her book:


Just then, a limo pulled up and @djl PE got out, all decked out in his state-of-art swim gear and gold necklace. “Sorry I’m late. When do the trials start?”

“Ok, NOW I’m surprised,” said @MadamPirate PE . “I mean, what amateur water hockey player can afford a limo? He might as well hold up a big sign saying, “I’M MAFIA! COME GET ME!” Shots rang out in all directions. It all happened so fast, there was no way anyone could tell who was shooting from where. After the dust settled, @djl PE could be seen sitting up and checking himself for injuries. None of the bullets hit him. To his left, an innocent bystander had taken the hit instead. @beccabun PE could not be revived.

@beccabun PE was the townie investigator.

Final vote count:

x1 @JayKay PE (Dothracki)
x3 @djl PE (BeccaBun, Square, TxJennah)
x4 @beccabun PE (DJL, MadamPirate, SaltySteve, JayKay)
Wow..... Just wow. To be fair there's absolutely no way anyone could have know anything other thank there's something hinky going on with @djl PE so its hard to glean role info from last nights final vote.
Night 1

@blybrook PE scrambled quickly to clean up the mess. @tj_PE was busy trying to reassure the rest of the swimmers everything was going to be ok when her cell phone rang. It was @harshaPEAZ , the hotel manager. "All the guests are in panic mode over what happened at the pool." However, she sounded as frantic as anyone else. "I know. I'm over here. I saw the whole thing!", replied @tj_PE.
@harshaPEAZ : "We need to talk."
@tj_PE : "We ARE talking."
@harshaPEAZ : "Many of the guests are talking about leaving and forgetting the trials all together. This is the one event that could not only put the town back on the map, but it could save my hotel. DO SOMETHING!"
@tj_PE : "You got plenty of food?"
@harshaPEAZ : "Tons, especially if I start losing guests."
@tj_PE : "I'll send a bear over. Just keep feeding him and tell him to sniff out any strangers. Apparently we have a mafia problem. Offer free breakfast for the guests. I'll cover it. That will help calm things down until we figure this out."
@harshaPEAZ : "Done!"

That night, @blybrook PE watched over the hotel, but there was no need. The mafia apparently couldn't agree on what to do or whom to go after.
The mechanics of this rule iteration are weird. Like even as the investigator you have no way of telling anyone anything without getting ded. There's no way this is @RBHeadge PE approved?
Technically, if the investigator reveals what they know (if someone is the same affiliation as them or not), there is a possibility of making a small 'block'. Then, if the doctor is still alive, they have the opportunity of saving the cop every single night.

Unless they're lying. But I am but a simple townie who isn't special.