EB Mafia

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That's right, I'm always mafia....

unless I'm the doctor who makes 2 saves in a row!
#Sus4lyfe #Itoldyall
FWIW, if I were mafia then I would have declared it above.
I agree in theory. But with this it becomes a game of coinflip. Assuming maf and townies are equal in number and everybody announces their affiliation then each team votes for one person from another team and create a tie. And now, the doc has to worry about whom to save at night. And the cop is useless.

Going on from this, i am a townie

I agree in theory. But with this it becomes a game of coinflip. Assuming maf and townies are equal in number and everybody announces their affiliation then each team votes for one person from another team and create a tie. And now, the doc has to worry about whom to save at night. And the cop is useless.

Going on from this, i am a townie
I agree with your rebuttal. My initial "move" was predicated on the round not achieving such Nash equilibrium. There are few "clean" players for whom won't change their underlying behavior and can be trusted regardless. As I've posted before, the game can't exist with too many clean players. The super-majority of player aren't "clean" so I know that eventually some people will lie or be quiet about their alignment. It's through those non-/declarations and seeing how other respond that will allow I and others to start to piece together alignments.

Someone had to get the ball rolling if only to avoid the boring bling shoot out of coin flips.
Remember that time I lied, and said I was a townie, and people believed me, and then I backstabbed @DuranDuran super ruthlessly in both the PM chain and in the thread with a last minute heart string tugging event?

I'm super hoping stuff like that happens again.