EB Mafia

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I'm still confused. Do you do electrical work at the A/E firm or is it more ArchE work?
I did mostly electrical, but i also did a lot of stuff with lighting that sometimes felt more architect based. Overall, my A/E degree felt like an MEP degree with a lot of structural 

"Are you sure this is the right house?"  @vhab49_PE asked, squinting at the gaudily decorated home.  "It seems...cheap.  And tacky."

@tj_PE scoffed from behind, rooting around in the gutted van to begin collected her 'tools'.  "This is the richest neighborhood in town and it's the holiday season.  Half these assholes are already in the Bahamas," she responded, adjusting her balaclava.  "Do you have your mask?"

"I have baklava."  @vhab49_PE stated, gesturing at the beautiful platter balanced precariously on the front dashboard.

This heist was off to a rocky start.

Lucky, @tj_PE was able to pop the side door lock of the home with ease.  @vhab49_PE held the door open quite nicely.  @tj_PE quickly moved deeper into the house, having researched beforehand and realizing that numerous photos had been posted of the interior during a previous 'best lawn' gala.  Rich people were weird.  

"This will be easy," they said to the trailing @vhab49_PE, who was opening up the various hallway closets, "We get in, grab all the small valuables.  We'll reset any jewelry, so they can't be traced, maybe keep a few of the nicer bits for us, and then we'll-"  They stopped at the loud thump from behind, highly honed thief reflexes kicking in.  When they realized the noise was repeating, and thus wasn't a person, they turned to chastise @vhab49_PE-

Who was staring at the corpse on the ground.

"What the-"

"Fudge.  In the van.  We should go."  @vhab49_PE promptly said, stepping over the body that appeared to have half of its face chewed off.  The meat glistened in a half-coagulated mass when @tj_PE's flashlight swept over it, revealing a leg that was bent in a direction no leg ever should but the hands were only impacted by minor superficial defense wounds.  Except for the head, where teeth marks could be seen in the exposed skull, the rest of the body seemed fairly...untouched.  Almost as if the person had a delayed response to whatever had killed them and hadn't felt threatened before death.

The more disturbing thing was that the body had been shoved into a linen closet, which meant whoever or whatever had done this might still be in the home.

"Let's...go eat some fudge," @tj_PE said quietly to the empty house, wondering if someone was watching silently from the third master bedroom.

@squaretaper LIT AF PE was lynched by the townfolk by RPS (they did not respond).  @squaretaper LIT AF PE was a normal (rich) person.

The remaining players are:

@RBHeadge PE@Dothracki@rebecca1@MadamPirate PE@LyceeFruit PE@ChebyshevII PE@SaltySteve@Roarbark@chart94@jean15paul_PE@NikR_PE, and @DuranDuran

The final vote was:

x2 @Dothracki (square, beccabun)

x1 @LyceeFruit PE (doth)

x1 Aggressive pringles in a can (roar)

x1 @SaltySteve (JP)

x2 @squaretaper LIT AF PE (Duran, salty)

Sorry for the super short write-up.  Things just imploded at work.  So I’m hoping you guys kill each other quickly!!


@tj_PE and @vhab49_PE, after polishing off the baklava and fudge in the van, quickly began moving down the rest of the block, moving into another section of the development.  The unnatural silence was a little unnerving.  Yes, it was common for people to be gone for the holidays, but it seemed like nobody was in the area as they passed brightly lit houses that had all the decorations on outside but no lights on inside, except for a tastefully placed Christmas tree peaking partially through heavily curtained windows.

So busy paying attention to the houses, and having not seen any other vehicles in the road, they didn’t notice the obstacle in the way.

Good thing their van reminded them to keep their eyes on the road.

The front wheels went over with an easy thump, followed by grating metal as whatever they ran over caught on the undercarriage, and the back wheels struggled to by-pass the object since it had flipped from them hitting it.  The thieves stopped in the middle of the roadway, @vhab49_PE’s looking pointedly straight ahead and not in the rear-view mirror.  Their bone-white hands gripping the wheel tight enough that their nails were digging into their palms. 

@tj_PE, who was still in the back, unfortunately had windows to look out of, so they were able to confirm what they had run over wasn’t a garbage can or a member of a rampant raccoon infestation.  They chanced another small glimpse and fought down the nausea.

The body they had hit obviously was dead beforehand based on the red trail of blood leading from one of the houses, which was helpfully illuminated by a nearby Santa Claus.  A lone hand was in the road closer to the van, separated from the body after being hit by a 20 MPH slow cruising missile, but the body itself looked fairly untouched.  Similar to the other body found only a half hour ago in a linen closet.

In fact, if the scalp hadn’t been carefully peeled back from the hairline, allowing the stark white bone to shimmer in nearby fairy lights, @tj_PE would have thought all fault was their own and would have been calling their insurance company.

Not being a body disposal service, and being more worried about what they were involved in, @vhab49_PE and @tj_PE decided to go to the next block for their next hit.

@jean15paul_PE was killed by the mafia.

The remaining players are:

@RBHeadge PE@Dothracki@rebecca1@MadamPirate PE@LyceeFruit PE@ChebyshevII PE@SaltySteve@Roarbark@chart94@NikR_PE, and @DuranDuran

I’m hardly surprised. I just wanna say, from the very depths of my heart, with as much sincerity I can muster, and with all the knowledge and wisdom of the Ancients, that I hate you all so much rn. 
Sorry @squaretaper LIT AF PE!  I'm going to blame my careless voting on battle fatigue, trying to defend my fellow EE, and not trusting my MiniMe.

@JayKay PE I vote for NCEES for making me wake up in the middle of the night thinking about exam problems I may have missed....and also for making it so effing cold in the exam room.

 I vote for NCEES for making me wake up in the middle of the night thinking about exam problems I may have missed....and also for making it so effing cold in the exam room.
It hasn't even been a day yet. It's way too early for Phase 2. Go spam in the spam thead.
