EB Mafia

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hmmmmmmmmmmm... I don't think he is. 
I don't think either of them are.
Edit: But I have been known to be wrong-o

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I would love to. Unfortunately, we are currently in the middle of this semester's live class program while trying to incorporate a lot of changes for the new CBT version of the power PE exam has me really putting in the hours. I've never played before, I'd be happy to take a rain check for anytime after the (now cancelled) Oct 23rd PE exam :)

I would love to. Unfortunately, we are currently in the middle of this semester's live class program while trying to incorporate a lot of changes for the new CBT version of the power PE exam has me really putting in the hours. I've never played before, I'd be happy to take a rain check for anytime after the (now cancelled) Oct 23rd PE exam :)
We'll totally hold ya to that lol

I would love to. Unfortunately, we are currently in the middle of this semester's live class program while trying to incorporate a lot of changes for the new CBT version of the power PE exam has me really putting in the hours. I've never played before, I'd be happy to take a rain check for anytime after the (now cancelled) Oct 23rd PE exam :)
We'll totally hold ya to that lol

Ahhhhhh.  Soap operas.  They cover so many genres.  I have no idea what's going on and I totally lied and did not plan anything this weekend like I said I was going to.  Enjoy.


“Don’t you understand!  I loved you!”  @tj_PE ripped off their apron, throwing it to the ground of the empty galley kitchen.  Clean stainless steel bowls, racked after the final dinner rush, reflected them as they walked closer to the one who broke their heart.  “I trusted you to be there for me, and you weren’t!”

Sous chef @txjennah PE approached and laid a hand on @tj_PE’s shoulder, beginning to pull them away, “It’s not worth it.  You knew they weren’t worth it when they didn’t come to the competition that helped you fund this place.  This restaurant is your dream.  Not them!”  They gestured at the other figure in the kitchen, who had studiously not said a word.  “They’re not worth wasting your love on!”

@tj_PE was ready to respond, ready to let out all of those emotions, when the swinging door leading out into the main dining area swung open to reveal a nervous @Dothracki, server's jacket wringing between their hands.  “Ah, @tj_PE, there is a diner still here who wants to talk to you?”  They said, grimacing at the tense atmosphere in the kitchen but also worried about the lone person who refused to pay for their meal until they met the chef.

@tj_PE huffed and spun out the room, leaving behind their relationship of seventeen years, ready to take out their frustration on someone besides an old lover who kept popping up whenever they were least wanted.  They walked past the half wall that shielded the kitchen madness from the classy three-star restaurant and then paused when they finally saw who was waiting for them.  They had met many different characters in moving up the culinary ladder, but this was a first.

Paws folded in front of them on the table, the bear was already staring at @tj_PE when they noticed them.  Dressed in a three-piece, dark navy suit, the bear didn’t seem out of place in the high-class restaurant, where only 300-covers a night were sent out at a ridiculous fee, and yet...something seemed off in their character.  Something about them seemed dangerous...but alluring.

“Извините, я не хочу перебивать,” The bear said, pushing away from the table and standing up, “Но мне нужна твоя помощь.”  They reached into an inner pocket for a wad of cash, pulling off a few notes to allow drift to the tabletop, and when they replaced the money their hand had exchanged for something more serious: a detective badge.  “Ищу рыбу.”

@tj_PE blushed at the blunt language and then cursed at themselves for the reaction.  They were a hardened head chef who had clawed themselves through hell to get to this position!  Some cute detective wasn’t going to throw them off their groove!  

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”  They answered.

“Твой парень?”

“My ex.”  @tj_PE, sniffed.

An extra toothy grin was received from the bear detective at that.  It seemed like the interest wasn’t completely one-sided.  Without waiting for @tj_PE to continue the flirting, the detective pushed past them to enter the kitchen, where @txjennah PE was arguing with @RBHeadge PE, who was angrily swimming from side to side inside of their bowl.

“Ah, we meet again, Detective @blybrook PE”, sneered @RBHeadge PE, whose three eyes blinked in rapid succession.  “I didn’t expect to see you in such a place of...refinement.”  They sniffed, two of their eyes going to @tj_PE who entered behind the newly named detective, “Of course, sloppy seconds were always more to your taste.”

@tj_PE was mortified at what their ex-lover had said, the stress of a busy Saturday slamming into them all at once causing them to miss @blybrook PE say “Вы арестованы”, but felt vindictive glee when their ex was poured from their bowl into a Tupperware container.

Pleasantries were exchanged between @blybrook PE and @txjennah PE, who was happily married and thus unaffected by the charismatic detective, which meant @tj_PE was caught in the full beam of oozing charisma from @blybrook PE as they passed to book the villain.  

“Я вернусь позже на десерт.”  @blybrook PE said with a wink, the kitchen door swinging shut behind their proclamation.

@tj_PE was shocked.  They were a head chef.  Head chefs weren’t supposed to fall in love!

@RBHeadge PE was mafia

The remaining players are:

@DuranDuran, @txjennah PE, @squaretaper LIT AF PE, @jean15paul_PE, @Roarbark, @Dothracki, @tj_PE, @LyceeFruit PE, @NikR_PE, @Road Guy, and @Audi driver, P.E.

The final vote was:

3 @Dothracki (lycee, RBH, JP)

4 @RBHeadge PE (txj, Duran, doth, tj)

1 @Audi driver, P.E. (square)

@Audi driver, P.E. somehow went from being in the lead with 103 votes to being in last place with (-)324 votes. I must have missed something! Glad we have so many invisible people participating this round.
@Audi driver, P.E. is very good at endearing themselves to others.  It's their natural charm.
