EB Mafia

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I'm not lurky. I just have no idea what to say. No one is talking about the game and voting has been all over the place. Also, several meetings today include one I had to lead so lots of prep work.

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if it's a bunch of people maybe it needs to be a lunch and learn or learning discussion where it's walked through? 

yeah, our new DM is doing something or other with the newbs. but they started, went on vacation, then lockdown so hard. 

do u have reasons? am curious
Either lycee is making the noob move of going after anyone targeting her, or the mafia is making the noob move of making it look like she is targeting people. We've been playing long enough to be inclined to the latter.

@Audi driver, P.E. is @Audi driver, P.E. and doesn't want to play.

Every else is suspish by default. Guilty until proven innocent. Some players are quieter than normal, some are playing normal. No ones else is giving their reads... so... 🤷‍♂️

Things were quiet at Costco.  Too quiet.

Finding themselves separated from the group, thank God, @Audi driver, P.E. wandered from sample station to sample station.  Wearing New Balances, sensible khaki-colored shorts, and a blue collared shirt, they looked like approximately 16 other dads who were also wandering in a strange sort of ritualistic grazing pattern.  One station was tortillas topped with guacamole and pico.  Another was chicken cilantro dumplings.  The last was a massage chair that looked suspiciously butt-oriented, so they avoided that.

They were just about to eat a wedge of cheese, they had swiped it when a sample associate had their back turned, when the rest of the group found them.

“Where have you been?” @LyceeFruit PE squawked, arms waving wildly, “Everyone keeps dying and you’re here eating cheese?”

“I mean, it’s almost $19 a pound, it’s a superior cheese.” @Audi driver, P.E. responded as they debated taking another wedge.  The sample provider seemed distracted by the other members of the group and were thus being inattentive to their product.

So distracted by the unattended dairy product, @Audi driver, P.E. didn’t hear the accusations thrown their way.  

They were halfway through another wedge, eating it like an apple, that they missed the barbed and pointed discussions of @NikR_PE and @RBHeadge PE, the only two members of the group who don’t have Costco memberships.  They also missed the large wheel of Parmigiano Reggiano that was carefully maneuvered off the countertop.

As @Audi driver, P.E.’s body twitched and cooled on the floor, top half dented by the 72 pound wheel of cheese, other members stepped around their body so they could sample the remaining cheese that had been set out.

@Audi driver, P.E. was a normal Costco customer.  

The remaining players are:

@MadamPirate PE, @NikR_PE, @txjennah PE, @jean15paul_PE, @RBHeadge PE, @SaltySteve, and @LyceeFruit PE

The final vote was:

@Audi driver, P.E. (nik, MP)

@RBHeadge PE (lycee)
