If I was in any position and someone offered to pay me for a commercial, I'd do it.they gotta make that fatty money somehow. Is it coincidence that they are in Alaska? :dunno:Speaking of which, have you seen they're doing Gieco commercials now. That's pretty gay. Almost as gay as the video game the Hansen clan was advertising for a couple years ago. I guess money talks.The Hilstrand's are becoming total ********. I used to like those guys. They were fun and successful and it seemed like the crew was generally pretty jovial. Now they just seem bitter and nasty. Keith is no saint, and has always come across as prickly, but him calling the Time Bandit to sort things out was a nice move, and they totally dicked him.
I know if I were in their position and someone was offering to pay me to be in a commercial I'd do it. It seems a much easier way to make a buck then what they currently do.
I, for one, don't feel all that up in arms that we didn't get to see some sailor's butt.although the deckhand stripping down to his skivies and fell when trying to throw the hook was quite amusing. It's just a butt and aired later in the evening, not quite sure why they need to blur the shot
The way they played up the "I don't know how much longer I'll be around" talk from Phil, followed by Jake not taking well to the news on the radio of someone on another boat having a heart attack, and the fact that After the Catch starts next week and the first episode will be about remebering Phil was a pretty good giveaway anyway though.82 "The Darkened Seas" June 15, 2010 (2010-06-15) The fate of the fallen deckhand and the Coast Guard helicopter sent to medevac him hang in the balance in a bad storm. The Time Bandit hits record numbers on their new grounds, but the ice hits back. The Cornelia Marie finishes their crabbing at the Rock Pile and heads to Saint Paul, where Captain Phil's fate is awaiting.
The editing monkeys are really playing up the Phil foreshadowing this season. The end of this week's episode had me nearly in tears, but I liked the scene with Phil and Jake. It seemed like Phil knew he was on borrowed time after the clot and he knew that being out on the boat could kill him - but then again, so could puttering around in his backyard. In a way it's nice to know that he went doing what he loved.According to Wikipedia, next week's the week...
The way they played up the "I don't know how much longer I'll be around" talk from Phil, followed by Jake not taking well to the news on the radio of someone on another boat having a heart attack, and the fact that After the Catch starts next week and the first episode will be about remebering Phil was a pretty good giveaway anyway though.82 "The Darkened Seas" June 15, 2010 (2010-06-15) The fate of the fallen deckhand and the Coast Guard helicopter sent to medevac him hang in the balance in a bad storm. The Time Bandit hits record numbers on their new grounds, but the ice hits back. The Cornelia Marie finishes their crabbing at the Rock Pile and heads to Saint Paul, where Captain Phil's fate is awaiting.
By Matthew Belloni Matthew Belloni – Wed Sep 29, 5:11 am ETLOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) – A trio of stars of Discovery's hit reality series "Deadliest Catch" have left the show.
Capts. Johnathan and Andy Hillstrand -- who were sued earlier this month by Discovery for allegedly not performing work on a planned spinoff special -- as well as Capt. Sig Hansen, said in a statement Tuesday that they were "unable" to continue on the series due to the litigation.
"We have been through a lot over the past year and unfortunately given the current situation with Discovery we are unable to continue participating in 'Deadliest Catch,'" the three crab fishermen said in a joint written statement. "It has been a fantastic ride, and we wish the best to all of the amazing and supportive 'Catch' fans we have met over the years."
A statement from Discovery was not forthcoming.
The network sued the Hillstrands for $3 million claiming they failed to show up to finish work on "Hillstranded," a planned "Catch" spinoff. The Hillstrands' lawyer Jeff Cohen then called the suit an attempt to "extort" his clients and said the lawsuit could force them to sell their boats and fire their crews. Hansen, also repped by Cohen, later weighed in, backing the Hillstrands, slamming Discovery and saying, "I want people to know the captains stand together, and me and my brothers support them 100 percent."
Hansen, captain of the Northwestern, has been a fixture on "Catch" since its first season premiered in 2005. The Hillstrands, captains of the Time Bandit, joined in Season 2. Filming on the seventh season of the Emmy-nominated series is scheduled to begin as crab season starts in October. But barring any reconciliation, it now appears the show will be down three captains (in addition to Capt. Phil Harris, who died earlier this year).
Multiple-tuner DVR's are fantastic inventions. I haven't had to worry about shows overlapping in years.Well, DC always ran into the programming time of The Biggest Loser, so now I guess we won't be swapping channels at commercials. I wish that the two networks would just make one show called "The Deadliest Loser" or something.
I wouldn't care if the Time Bandit were gone, most of their "drama" seem contrived anyway. It sucks that they dragged the Northwestern along with them though.Good riddance to the Time Bandit. The Hillstrands were annoying as **** anyway...I can't believe they were going to get their own show.
Sig and the Northwestern will be sorely missed too.
i doubt a harris boy will be in the chair for this new season. Neither were certified, thats why they had to find a captain to finish the season. They even stated that during the show. perhaps next season.Good riddance to the Time Bandit. The Hillstrands were annoying as **** anyway...I can't believe they were going to get their own show.
Sig and the Northwestern will be sorely missed too. I wonder if the Cornelia Marie will sail this year with a Harris in the captain's chair. If so, I may watch parts of the season. If both the Northwestern and Cornelia are gone, so am I.
I can see Josh as deckboss, or relief skipper, but yeah you're right, they were in a big pickle at one point because they had no qualified captain to take them out to sea and had to scramble for one midseason.i doubt a harris boy will be in the chair for this new season. Neither were certified, thats why they had to find a captain to finish the season. They even stated that during the show. perhaps next season.Good riddance to the Time Bandit. The Hillstrands were annoying as **** anyway...I can't believe they were going to get their own show.
Sig and the Northwestern will be sorely missed too. I wonder if the Cornelia Marie will sail this year with a Harris in the captain's chair. If so, I may watch parts of the season. If both the Northwestern and Cornelia are gone, so am I.
I'll hold judgment. As stated above, the Time Bandit whored themselves out more than any other boat, having shirts made and all like that. They've made a LOT of money off of this show. It seems as though they were obligated to do this other show, and then decided "no, I don't want to do it". Well, how much did it cost Discovery to revise their programming schedule, and find a show to fill that slot? Did the sponsors pull out after they found out it wasn't a Deadliest Catch spin off, but Mike Rowe in another show telling cow fart jokes? I don't know the details, but depending on how and when this was handled, it very well could have cost Discovery millions.Bummer. I don't know the details, but that sounds pretty ****** of Discovery to sue some of their most popular captains, people who are NOT professional entertainers. Discovery started all of this, IMO they need to be extra-understanding of the fact that these are real people.