I haven't caught this show yet ... might have to add it to potential watch list even at least just once.
I have always gotten the impression that Keith is not well liked among the other captains. He seems like kind of a jerk. How many greenhorns did he say he's been through? Four or Five? There has got to be a reason they burn through deckhands so fast. The one episode where he wouldn't leave port without his spittoon was just asinine. Last season Captain Phil wanted to tear Keith a new one for setting his pot's on top of Phil's. During that episode Phil alluded to other incidents that had strained their relationship.I also really want to see the Time Bandit booted from the show. That was pretty low when Johnathan Hillstrand pushed Keith Colburn over with a cheap shot. And Johnathan went after his brother too. I don't like the drama, and the Hillstrands are just a bunch of drama queens. I hope the show is going to dump the Time Bandit for that new boat, Kodiak. That boat looks pretty good.
Russel seemed like last year that he thought he had special privleges aboard the TB as a long term deckhand, and milked it. But the way they laid him off was a pussy ass move, especially from big macho men as they proclaim to be. Though the Kodiak captain is a pal of the Hillstrands, so maybe they put in a good word for him.They didn't even man up to it either, they gave him a list and took the wimp way out. If you're going to fire someone, then fire someone, don't be a bitch about it.
I think a lot of that depends on what the Harris boys do. If they come back, that's a compelling storyline. Phil's gone, Murray's gone, if Jake and Josh leave, it may as well be a whole different boat without our heroes to root for. Also, Phil's business partner, the boat's namesake, may have something to do with it.I still like the Northwestern and the Cornelia Marie the best, I think they needed a change in the show, although with Capt. Phil dying I think they are going to get that regardless.
Seemed like a stupid thing to do to me as well.We were thoroughly turned off by last night's episode.
Swapping the Jakes in the middle of the Bering Sea wreaked of a Discovery Channel plot device. They've spent years establishing the going into the Bering Sea = death, and yet last night they just floated deckhands over it. Bizzare. Why can't they just swap them the next time they are in Dtuch or St. Paul or Akutan?
Speaking of which, have you seen they're doing Gieco commercials now. That's pretty gay. Almost as gay as the video game the Hansen clan was advertising for a couple years ago. I guess money talks.The Hilstrand's are becoming total ********. I used to like those guys. They were fun and successful and it seemed like the crew was generally pretty jovial. Now they just seem bitter and nasty. Keith is no saint, and has always come across as prickly, but him calling the Time Bandit to sort things out was a nice move, and they totally dicked him.
they gotta make that fatty money somehow. Is it coincidence that they are in Alaska? :dunno:Speaking of which, have you seen they're doing Gieco commercials now. That's pretty gay. Almost as gay as the video game the Hansen clan was advertising for a couple years ago. I guess money talks.The Hilstrand's are becoming total ********. I used to like those guys. They were fun and successful and it seemed like the crew was generally pretty jovial. Now they just seem bitter and nasty. Keith is no saint, and has always come across as prickly, but him calling the Time Bandit to sort things out was a nice move, and they totally dicked him.