Granted. They now show only men's leg and crotch shaving competitions and that's the otnly channel you receive.Granted. It all happens the day after the exam and you forget it before the next one.
I wish ESPN didn't go retarded over the NFL draft and actually show some sports like the NHL or NBA playoffs.
Good news: You're wealthy!I wish I was independently wealthy
Granted. The interview with go extremely well but the company will sit on you application for weeks and make you sweat before you get a "Dear John" letter.Granted, they win every preseason game, then the owners lockout the regular season.
I wish my interview goes well for this new job.
Granted know you have the ugly janitor spread out instead.Granted. However, when the men you were fishing with realized what you were doing to the fronts of their jeans, they tested your ability to breathe underwater. BTW, you can't.
I wish I didn't have so much clutter on my desk.