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Seriously, who could cheer for a school who can't settle with one mascot? Is it a tidal wave or an elephant? Same goes for Auburn. Are they the tigers, plainsmen, or war eagle? Must be an Alabama thing.
Alabama has nothing on Stanford. They are the cardinal (the color, I guess, since it's singular). But their mascot is an effin' tree.

It's hard to have a mascot of the Crimson Tide (or the Green Wave, for you Tulane fans out there). But there is no excuse for the War Eagle, Tigers, Plainsmen debacle. Each of those is capable of being a mascot.

You guys are just jealous that your schools aren't cool enough to have more then one mascot, says the Rambin' Wreck Yellow Jacket. :p

My school gets to get smacked around by USC on national television tomorrow night. Oh boy.


Seriously, who could cheer for a school who can't settle with one mascot? Is it a tidal wave or an elephant? Same goes for Auburn. Are they the tigers, plainsmen, or war eagle? Must be an Alabama thing.
Roll tide roll

Roll tide roll

Around the bowl and down the hole

Roll tide roll.



But seriously? Hey, it's 3rd and long... let's run up the middle. Damn.

Hey, it's 3rd and long... let's run up the middle again. It's bound to work this time. Damn.

Hell, let's try something new... run up the middle! Damn.


Country roads....taaaaaaaaake me the place.......i belong......

38-35...go Cards.

^^^ Think the Big12 is having buyers remorse?

WVU should be ashamed. First Syracuse, now Louisville.

Those teams shouldn't even be on the schedule, let alone lose to them.

Not a good day of college football for me. Mountaineer defense forgot a game was going on,

then to find out about the Penn State scandal. <----- = NOT GOOD

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Sorry Dvin, I picked Louisville this week...You can blame it on me, but not the Penn State thing. That's just creepy.

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WVU is sucking bad.... but not in the Jerry Sandusky kinda way.

The whole mess at PSU is a shame, and quite disgusting. I read the grand jury's findings, and it's very bad. I see this as bigger than a football program problem, this is going to have huge implications on the University itself. I can see alot of potential students going somewhere else, because no one would want to attend Pedophile State University.


If he does get forced out, it's BS. He reported the only incident he knew of to his superiors. They did nothing about it, but Paterno did what he was supposed to do. They have been looking for a reason to get rid of him, and this is just the opportunity they were waiting for. It's a shame, though, given how much he has done for that university.

^^^not sure about that. from what i've read, the police should have been called, immediately. if you see some being mugged in the parking lot at your office, do you call your boss, or 911?

I agree fully with Wilheld.

Envirotex, to expand on your analogy, JoePa DID NOT see anyone getting mugged. He had a graduate assistant come to him and tell him that one of his co-workers for the past 33 years was out in the parking lot mugging someone.

I agree fully with Wilheld.

Envirotex, to expand on your analogy, JoePa DID NOT see anyone getting mugged. He had a graduate assistant come to him and tell him that one of his co-workers for the past 33 years was out in the parking lot mugging someone.
Say what you will about his coaching record, but there was a distinct failure on the part of all of the adults involved. The graduate assistant told his father, JoePa, university officials; no one called the police. That's wrong. And if you think that, now, I would ever consider having my sons play football at that university while any of those people who stood by are still involved with the program, that's crazy. Joe Paterno and the rest need to go, or Penn State football is finished, if it isn't already.

I agree with all of that, and I don't think that Paterno will make it thru this scandal. It's just a shame that this is how it ends for him.

People are treating him like he's the one that did it, not Sandusky, and that's rediculous. Sandusky should be executed. McQuery has it on his shoulders (for witnessing) and Curley and Schultz are both guilty for not telling authorities.

I said to co-workers earlier today that all recruiting will be done until there is a whole new staff. That is obvious.

I work with a guy who's son is a starter for Penn State. We've had in depth discussions for the last two days, and its devistating to those boys. It's bad, all around.

But I don't see this as Paterno's cross to bear. This is on Sandusky. He's the sick bastard.

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Paterno just strikes me as an old school guy where you tell your bosses and that's that. Maybe he assumed they investigated and nothing came of it and he's a guy that doesn't question his superiors. I dunno.
