Casey Anthony Trial

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Dark Knight

Silent Guardian
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
Central Florida
It is very interesting to see a how a Court of Law really works and how the truth just falls in a distant second place.

The State trying to sell their theory and the defense theirs, disregarding what the truth is. It does not matter. Each one wants to win and that is it.

A little girl killed? Accidentally drowned? Which little girl? Who cares?

If you have a chance google it and try to see the videos. It is very entertaining. The judge already gave some serious ass whooping to both sides, specially the lead defense attorney.

I'm not following it, mainly because the MSM and trial by media pisses me off. But I do know what you are talking about with justice taking a backseat to public opinion. I had a management law course one time taught by several different lawyers. One of them made a comment to the effect of "in a murder trial, if you didn't do it, you want a bench trial. If you did do it, you want a jury trial." Joe Citizen is pretty much a moron, and your lawyer gets to pick at least half the morons on your jury. So you can probably convince at least one of them that you didn't do it, and it only takes one to hang a jury. But if you really didn't do it, and the evidence supports that, a judge can usually see through a thin prosecution case and make the right verdict.

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Of all the kids murdered, kidnapped, abused, molested, and who plain-ole disappear, what makes this one and the crazy ass mom so special that they get worldwide attention 24/7?

Of all the kids murdered, kidnapped, abused, molested, and who plain-ole disappear, what makes this one and the crazy ass mom so special that they get worldwide attention 24/7?
I asked my wife the same thing.

I thought stuff like this happened all the time (At least I thought I saw stories on the local news about kids being killed by their parents for various reasons) so why was CNN giving this instance 24/7 coverage.

Of all the kids murdered, kidnapped, abused, molested, and who plain-ole disappear, what makes this one and the crazy ass mom so special that they get worldwide attention 24/7?
I asked my wife the same thing.

I thought stuff like this happened all the time (At least I thought I saw stories on the local news about kids being killed by their parents for various reasons) so why was CNN giving this instance 24/7 coverage.
I think this is meriting all the attention because of the craziness of the mom, and the overall creepiness factor of the family. Apparently there have been insinuations made of who fathered the dead kid and what if any role that played in her death.

At least, that's what my wife told me.

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I think it has the major attention because of how it started.

It was a missing child case, and the crazyMom stated that a babysitter stole her. Then made up a name for the baby sitter, and the name was an actual lady's name who lived semi-nearby.

That was all on national news before the girl was even found. So the oddness of the concocted story, the party photos of the crazyMom, and the shear stupidity of the grand parents all make for a Nancy Grace homerun.

Of all the kids murdered, kidnapped, abused, molested, and who plain-ole disappear, what makes this one and the crazy ass mom so special that they get worldwide attention 24/7?
Because mom is hot. She is very TV friendly. Kids get killed by their parents everyday and never makes it past local news. Hope she rots her pretty little head in jail.

Of all the kids murdered, kidnapped, abused, molested, and who plain-ole disappear, what makes this one and the crazy ass mom so special that they get worldwide attention 24/7?
Because mom is hot. She is very TV friendly. Kids get killed by their parents everyday and never makes it past local news. Hope she rots her pretty little head in jail.
As a man I disagree with the first sentence. Agree with the second one. Have no useful opinion in the third and we are in the same page on the last one. No one can say that saw her killing the baby girl and no one knows how the girl died. But because her odd behavior and all the lies she said, pretty sure she was really involved Because of that she deserves to be in jail and to never be free again.

So the oddness of the concocted story, the party photos of the crazyMom, and the shear stupidity of the grand parents all make for a Nancy Grace homerun.

This raised a question to for me- how many kids are murdered each day? Is there really a rash of kids dying and this one kid is stealing all the spotlight?


800,000 children younger than 18 are missing each year, or an average of 2,000 children reported missing each day.200,000 children were were abducted by family members.

58,000 children were abducted by nonfamily members, and

115 children were the victims of “stereotypical” kidnapping. These crimes involve someone the child does not know, or knows only slightly, who holds the child overnight, transports the child 50 miles or more, kills the child, demands ransom, or intends to keep the child permanently.
The 2007 total number of homicides for children 14 years of age and younger was 1096. Source:

398 in the 1-4 age group.

The next age group above the 5-14 group is 15-24, with a total number of homicides of 5,551, but that age range seems to capture a pretty wide swath of kids/young adults.

So I suppose a kid is dying via murder each day. More than one kid.

This was kind of depressing to research...

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one would have to assume that increased media attention would be better for the defense?

since most of the other ones you never really hear about..

except there have been 2 kids killed in Atlanta the last two weeks from being left in hot cars unattended--- those are 30 second news clips and then you never hear anything...

one would have to assume that increased media attention would be better for the defense?
since most of the other ones you never really hear about..

except there have been 2 kids killed in Atlanta the last two weeks from being left in hot cars unattended--- those are 30 second news clips and then you never hear anything...
The CDC death cause for that would be different than murder. It's a depressingly long list of things a person can die from in America.

I had to think about child murder cases that made the news...and I could think of the lady who drove her kids into the lake and got out of the car and the lady who drowned her kids in the bathtub and then the lady who's story was made into a Lifetime move staring Farrah Fawcett called Small Sacrifices. I think what really brings those stories to the national news is that it's the mother who killed them. The paper from our nearest large city will frequently have stories of kids who die in drive by shootings, but that's it and we all think, "That's sad, but it was a rough neighborhood." It's when we have to think of a mother looking into her child's eyes and killing them that it seems even creepier. Casey Anthony trial is especially creepy, since the story seems to have been told that she had her dead kid in her trunk for awhile, but still went out to party.

The woman that drove her kids in the lake was Susan Smith. Oddly, at the lake where she drowned her kids, this happened:

The saddest place in the little mill town of Union, S.C., has a fresher horror now.
Seven people, including four children, died in John D. Long Lake on Saturday night after they came to see the spot where Susan Smith drowned her two young sons in late 1994 in a murder that drew worldwide attention to this usually quiet town and lured thousands to the lip of the lake.

The seven victims, including a family of five from nearby Buffalo, S.C., were looking at two memorials for the boys, who died after Mrs. Smith, a mill secretary, let her car roll down a boat ramp into the water. She then misled the police and the nation for nine days by tearfully begging a fictional carjacker to bring home Michael, 3, and Alex, 14 months.

Saturday's drownings, which the police are calling accidental, came as a morbid byproduct of the curiosity that has drawn countless visitors to the lake to place flowers, say prayers or pose for pictures.

And then the Susan Smith thing was almost replicated in Orangeburg SC this year:

Orangeburg, SC (WLTX) - The bodies of two small children were pulled from a car in the the Edisto River Monday morning, and deputies are investigating the circumstances leading up to the deaths.
Orangeburg County Sheriff Larry Williams say a call came in at 6:40 a.m. from the children's mother, 29-year-old Shaquan Duley, about the incident.

Coroner Samuetta Marshall identified the children as 18-month-old Ja'van T. Duley and 2-year-old Devean C. Duley, both of Orangeburg. Marshall said a cause of death would be announced following autopsies on Tuesday.

Sheriff Larry Williams tells WLTX Shaquan Duley is being held and charged with leaving the scene of an accident. She faces no additional charges at this time.

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Coroner Samuetta Marshall identified the children as 18-month-old Ja'van T. Duley and 2-year-old Devean C. Duley
Wait a sec, something doesn't add up here. Either those kids were twins with a long separation between births, Devean was born 3 months premature, or they have different mothers.

Coroner Samuetta Marshall identified the children as 18-month-old Ja'van T. Duley and 2-year-old Devean C. Duley
Wait a sec, something doesn't add up here. Either those kids were twins with a long separation between births, Devean was born 3 months premature, or they have different mothers.
Devean could have been 35 months old.

I've heard siblings in consecutive grades referred to as "Irish twins."

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Devean could have been 35 months old.
I've heard siblings in consecutive grades referred to as "Irish twins."
I guess that makes sense, but they could have worded it differently to make it more clear.

I've heard that term before too...and it still makes me laugh.

my dad and his sister are only 10 months apart in age...
At least 10 months is longer than the human gestation period. Having kids 6 months apart just doesn't make logical sense.
