Bring Back the Lunch Thread !!!!

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Midnight snack in class.

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Turkey bagel sammich with chedda

(Tillamook of course) and tomato, side of potata salad at lunch time, but currently a cutie (of the citrus variety) and an apple for afternoon snack. No sushi today

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What is potata salad? I feel like I've been missing out on something. 

Gnocchi and stuffed shells from some other company's cafeteria down the road.  Ours is terrible so we sneak into theirs.

I'm sorry I missed the sashimi discussion. I love sashimi. The only exception is having it fresh on the fishing boat, cut from the still-quivering tuna. That definitely has a texture, and taste, that is different from the stuff in the restaurant. Eat that while you're also borderline seasick and breathing in diesel exhaust and we're talking hurl time.

Uh no thanks! I believe you

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Bruschetta burger from the cafeteria of the catering place down the street.  Our cafeteria is so bad we regularly sneak into theirs.
