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What do you do to a Car Dealer that does not listen to you and keeps talking about deals that are a rip off.

Go ahead and pay the $10K for that 1993 Toyota Corolla because some day it will be a classic.

How can I get my kids to clean up their rooms?

Chinese water torture.

How am I supposed to get this $%^& pop quiz completed by 7pm tonight?!

Keep setting the clock back. It will never reach 7 PM.

How do I pay of the $750 oil bill?

Dress as the hamburglar and go around and siphon all the trucks at the local truck stop with the Mc D's attached. Sell what you get on the black market...

What's the best way to renew my PE License?

use forgery.

How do I get a propane company to take away a 300 gal tank which I canceled account with, and has been in my driveway for 8 months?

Tell her it will help her lose those extra 30 pounds and that there are no such things as "fat pants" while washing a vehicle.

What should I get my sister for her birthday?

your bosses chair will do just fine.

When should I fertilize my bushes?

(top :bananalama: )

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Everyday, (i.e.don't use the toilet), human fertilizer style.

How do I kill the coyote who killed our cat and the neighbor's chickens?

Get yourself one of these:


What should I do about my car radio continually dropping out?


How many days should I take off during school vacation?

All of them.

Edit: New response. Find the best picture on and go to that store.

What should I tell the bitchy receptionist so she actually does her job?

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pretend you're Dr. Phil

Should I ride my bike to work next week?
