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tell him to be more useful with his time.

how do I convince my boss that I need a company car?

Steal his.

How do I pick the right teams to win the Billion dollar NCAA bracket?

Borrow money from the mob to payoff the players, coaches & refs to throw the games. Payback the loan with the winnings. What could go wrong? :dunno:

How do I get people to leave me alone so I can get some actual work done today?

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HSD at the entrance of your office/cube

Where should I go to watch the NCAA tourney tonight?

At your girlfriend's house. Tell your wife you have to work late.

Should I ride my bike to work to combat climate change?

Yes but it has to be this one:


How can I convince my professor to make the next exam the take-home type?

With a large sum of money.

Should I have my lawn mower tuned this year.

No, spend big bucks, (the money saved for your wife's b-day), and make it robot controlled, sit in the hammock and watch + drink lots of beer.

What should I plan for romantic surprise for my wife's birthday?

Buy her a bad ass robot lawn mower.

What flowers should I plant in the front yard?

Doesn't matter because your wife will run them over while learning to control her new robot lawn mower.

When should I over seed the back yard?

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at the end of the work day today, storm into your boss' office, preferably while he is behind closed doors in a meeting or on a telephone call, and tell him to GFY! Then turn around and walk out. He'll surely give you tomorrow off.

How do I convince my wife that every Friday is steak and BJ day?

Promise her it will settle her stomach.

How do I get over the anxiety of taking the PE?

get really drunk just before the exam. It will settle your nerves.

how do I get the puke chunks out of my daughters hair?

Buy a dog. Dogs love that kind of stuff.

What family activity should we do tomorrow?

tell the professor that you're smarter than they are and that you should be exempt

how do I avoid not catching the same stomach bug taht everyone in my family apparently has

Sleep on the couch.

How do I convince people at work to stop complaining?
