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Should I buy the remote control fart noise maker for my father in law?

Yes, and wire it to his door bell for him.

My Mrs. called to tell me that she couldn't remember what she was supposed to do today...

...if I should happen think of it, I should call her and let her know.

What should I tell her?

Right before bed

Is it too late in the year to start a garden?

Not at all. Plant snow peas.

How do I tell my daughter that her brother is smarter than she is?

Enroll both of them in a non-refundable college calculus course and see who does better.

How can I graduate from my MS program faster?

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To close out your MS program, click the red box with an "X" in it in the upper right hand corner.


What can I do to see the sun for once today?

Give her all of your credit cards.

How do I get my dog to stop escaping his kennel and crapping all over the garage at night?

Give them a call and make a few death threats.

I just finished my final term project. How should I celebrate considering I have to work tomorrow?

Turn your office building into a bonfire.

How do I complete this project before the end of the year?

Tell everyone to take the rest of the year off, on your bosses expense account.

How do I get my wife to stop nagging me first thing in the morning?

Wake her up in the middle of the night, around 3:30AM. That should do the trick.

Should I leave and charge this day to Vacation? Really not in the mood for work.

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