April 2019 Post Exam Wait Period - Welcome to the Suck

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The drinks will be absolutely necessary either way ;) .  Huh, never been to Kips before, but I don't get down to St Louis Park often... I was toying with the idea of hitting up Dangerous Man Brewing today for my sorrowful/joyful drinking.
Have you tried Fulton Brewing Taproom? We should have a Results release party.

PE-Structural. Unfortunately failed, first attempt.  I got 34 AM & 14 PM so 48 total. My buddy took the same test, got 51 total and still failed. Both in VA. 

Took School of PE and it was very useful for the AM but useless for the PM. Talking to friends who took it last October, their PM questions was very well aligned with the school of pe notes. 

Any advice on study material or references to use for the afternoon? I had all the codes but still got a zero on the codes categories. 
Depth use EET

My father asked me last night what my score was and when I responded that they don't release the score, he said back in '93 they did. Interesting. Wonder why they stopped.

He said his was a 73. I wish I knew mine so I could brag to him lol. 

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My father asked me last night what my score was and when I responded that they don't release the score, he said back in '93 they did. Interesting. Wonder why they stopped.

He said his was a 73. I wish I knew mine so I could brag to him lol. 
The scoring metrics have changed, and can continue to change. It was more appropriate to just do it pass/fail, as it makes licensing by comity easier and traceable.

But you should still tell your dad: that you know a guy that knows a guy, and your score was 74.

Probably so NCEES could laugh at us as we try to figure it out.
Lol. But when I come to think of it, releasing scores is extraneous since they set a threshold for competency. It's not like the USMLE for doctors where your level of competency as defined by the board matters. I'm actually thankful NCEES is not like the USMLE or the BAR.

Lol. But when I come to think of it, releasing scores is extraneous since they set a threshold for competency. It's not like the USMLE for doctors where your level of competency as defined by the board matters. I'm actually thankful NCEES is not like the USMLE or the BAR.
Indeed, and the threshold changes every administration.

For the record, WA has something similar. WA requires 8 years of experience, but an accredited BS degree can count for up to 4 years of that experience.
Wisconsin is similar to this as well.  8 years of "experience" is required but can be split to 4 years of education and 4 years of work, or 2 years of school and 6 years of work.  Schools do need to be ABET accredited though.  I have heard, however, that the Wisconsin state board members do not (will not?) generally issue licenses to anyone with the 2 year degrees.

MN peeps, called board again, letters have been sent, and to paraphrase: results are released, should be able to see them shortly, by end of day at the latest

PE-Structural. Unfortunately failed, first attempt.  I got 34 AM & 14 PM so 48 total. My buddy took the same test, got 51 total and still failed. Both in VA. 

Took School of PE and it was very useful for the AM but useless for the PM. Talking to friends who took it last October, their PM questions was very well aligned with the school of pe notes. 

Any advice on study material or references to use for the afternoon? I had all the codes but still got a zero on the codes categories. 
I took SOPE too and felt the same. Good for the AM and crap for the PM. I hear a lot of people like EET for the PM portion. Maybe give that a try?

MN peeps, called board again, letters have been sent, and to paraphrase: results are released, should be able to see them shortly, by end of day at the latest
whelp, looks like everything I've been told was a lie designed specifically to make me go through the stages of grief again. Time to go home and pound a box of mac and cheese... uncooked.


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