April 2019 Post Exam Wait Period - Welcome to the Suck

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I'm not so sure about that. I suspect that the actual grading of the scantrons happens pretty quickly. But there's a lot of overhead activities associated with the release of the results, many of which occur in parallel for each exam. There are probably certain activities that can't be shortened.
Activities like coming up with the cut score?

Alright. Going into cryo until then. Wake me up when its time, and NOT a second earlier lol

Waiting is taking too long, and work isn't helping pass the time. It only serves to make the wait EVEN longer...
you have A LONG time to wait...

Despite knowing the results are not posted yet, I couldn't help myself logging into MyNCEES today.  This wait time blows.
Haha -- I tend to log on to MyNCEES every day.  It's a bad habit. I know they'll email, but I just think I'll get the information faster if we log into MyNCEES all the time.

you have A LONG time to wait...
Yeah, I know  :(

I can feel myself slowly succumbing to Phase 3 (Worry). I normally feel fine, but even a subtle thought about the exam throws me into a tornado of "I just wanna know what I got"...

Plus works not helping worth a damn (busy work doesn't help me get my mind off of it, but that's all we keep getting in this season)

Just gonna have to wait like everybody else

Luckily I have a really busy next few weeks to get me through this. Game of Thrones, Avengers Endgame, family events, Dallas Comic Con...just to name a few lol
IKR! April is a great month this year! 

Activities like coming up with the cut score?

If I remember right, they quoted us for 8-10 weeks for the Fall 2018 exam results and we ended up getting them in 6. Hopefully they are fast again this go round.
8-10 is a CYA envelope. The initial release has been coming in under that range for many years. Realistically only Pennsylvania and a few other states actually release that late (or later).

Despite knowing the results are not posted yet, I couldn't help myself logging into MyNCEES today.  This wait time blows.
Welcome to Phase F5.

That explains my insanity. CompEng only had 29 test takers in October 2018 (and 24 in April 2018). I was certainly the only one at my test site taking it.
Hey, another CompE! Bizarre to think that the two of us make up a rather large percent of test takers compared to two examines in other, larger disciplines. 

My "problem" with the small exams (based on nothing but my apprehension) is that I don't know if the normal rules of thumb apply to us. For instance, is the cut still around 56 like the other tests, or can it vary wildly based on the performance of the examinees? (I know the exam is generally supposed to measure a minimum level of competency, but with such a small sample size, I'm not sure how that's done.) 

It's hard to relate the CompE exam to the others, and it's driving me crazy. 

@ChebyshevII_PE, since a CompE PE is generally considered pointless in most cases, what was your reason for taking it? 

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Despite knowing the results are not posted yet, I couldn't help myself logging into MyNCEES today.  This wait time blows.

Haha -- I tend to log on to MyNCEES every day.  It's a bad habit. I know they'll email, but I just think I'll get the information faster if we log into MyNCEES all the time.
You will begin to despise Justin Stine more and more each time you login.

What should I do if my employer waits until the end of the year to give me a raise after passing the PE in April? 

My "problem" with the small exams (based on nothing but my apprehension) is that I don't know if the normal rules of thumb apply to us. For instance, is the cut still around 56 like the other tests, or can it vary wildly based on the performance of the examinees? (I know the exam is generally supposed to measure a minimum level of competency, but with such a small sample size, I'm not sure how that's done.) 
For me, the biggest problem for the smaller exams is the lack of study materials. No one, except for the professional societies, is going to produce a useful study guide that would, at best, sell 100 copies. It's makes it difficult to know what to study for an what kind of questions to expect. The CE, ME, and EnvE have it easier in this regard.

Re: cut score - My guess is that its around the 65-70% correct that we see for everyone else. I know that they need at least 50 original test takers every two years to have an adequate sample size for the statistics. But only a couple exams failed to regularly meet that threshold: Nuclear and Software. Software is ending this year, they never had enough takers. Nuclear, after a couple of decades of trying, eventually just met that threshold. It's my understanding that ANS for years had to pick up a lot of the development and other costs to keep it an official exam.

What should I do if my employer waits until the end of the year to give me a raise after passing the PE in April? 

This gets brought up quite a bit. Check this forum:


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What should I do if my employer waits until the end of the year to give me a raise after passing the PE in April? 
1.  Is your license application only pending your result or are you going to apply after you pass?

>>>>>  In either case, you should wait until you actually have your licensing credentials before you do anything.

2.  Does the company have a written policy that you agreed to in writing that limits your ability to negotiate outside of a review period (rare)?

>>>>>  If yes, then you're kind of stuck.  If no, then there is nothing preventing you from having a sit down with you manager to explain the recent major change in your credentials and marketability to justify a mid-year bump.


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