April 2019 Post Exam Wait Period - Welcome to the Suck

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Did anybody else have to deal with rain?

It was clear the week before the exam but rain came in a few hours before the start of the exam😐

I’m a second time test taker here for the Water Resources depth. The morning session felt very straight forward with lots of low hanging pinatas. Within about an hour I had finished half of the test which was a good confidence booster. Towards the last hour I was left with about 5 which I had skipped over. Trying to finish the exam in passes worked well  because reading problems a second time brought me mental flashes on how to solve them. Within my last 20 minutes there was one problem that I knew I could solve if I plugged at it long enough but figured my time would be best spent checking my work in filling out my scan tron.

Once we broke for lunch I walked to a nearby sandwich place. I had planned where I was going to eat weeks in advance and luckily didn’t have to drive anywhere. One thing that really helped my nerves was not trying to engage in conversation with anyone on how they felt about the exam. I was able to eat, relax, and focus on the afternoon session. I waited in my car for the remaining 15 minutes until everyone started herding in the door.

I started the afternoon session very strong, skipping problems that looked like disguised bear traps. About two hours in I had finished 20 problems and was right on schedule. Towards the end I was left with about 10 problems with about 45 minutes remaining. Some of these problems were just out of this world and I had no idea where to even start. Looking back, I could have probably completed them if I had more time but had to guess on these.

This was definitely my best attempt compared to my first go. What I changed as far as my study habit was doing more practice problems. I had taken 7 practice exams, which included 4 breadth, 2 depth and the NCEES practice all of which I brought for reference.

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I’m a second time test taker here for the Water Resources depth. The morning session felt very straight forward with lots of low hanging pinatas. Within about an hour I had finished half of the test which was a good confidence booster. Towards the last hour I was left with about 5 which I had skipped over. Trying to finish the exam in passes worked well  because reading problems a second time brought me mental flashes on how to solve them. Within my last 20 minutes there was one problem that I knew I could solve if I plugged at it long enough but figured my time would be best spent checking my work in filling out my scan tron.

Once we broke for lunch I walked to a nearby sandwich place. I had planned where I was going to eat weeks in advance and luckily didn’t have to drive anywhere. One thing that really helped my nerves was not trying to engage in conversation with anyone on how they felt about the exam. I was able to eat, relax, and focus on the afternoon session. I waited in my car for the remaining 15 minutes until everyone started herding in the door.

I started the afternoon session very strong, skipping problems that looked disguised as bear traps. About two hours in I had finished 20 problems and was right on schedule. Towards the end I was left with about 10 problems with about 45 minutes remaining. Some of these problems were just out of this world and I had no idea where to even start. Looking back, I could have probably completed them if I had more time but had to guess on these.

This was definitely my best attempt compared to my first go. What I changed as far as my study habit was doing more practice problems. I had taken 7 practice exams, which included 4 breadth, 2 depth and the NCEES practice all of which I brought for reference.
I am convinced that was the major difference between my attempts last time I focused to much on the SOPE videos instead of working practice problems. This time I did EET depth and worked practice problems and simulate exams until I was sick. I was actually getting worried that I was going to be a little too burnt out for the test. I also utilized the pass method a lot more aggressively and felt like it probably helped me get more of the medium difficulty ones and tried to do my best on the most time consuming ones. 

any structural depth takers?

I ran out of freaking time and had to guess between 2 answers for 7 questions. fuu
I took civil structural, not SE. Morning was easy minus a couple tricky conceptual questions  but the afternoon killed me again. I’m praying for a Pass

I came for the advice.

I stayed for the SPAM THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @NJmike PE @RBHeadge PE

NB to the newbies: If you want your scores, you have to spam. If you want a passing score, you have to spam more. It's simple science.

Take it from me, I didn't pass until I hustled on the April 2018 15k SPAM thread. I didn't believe it then, but now I see the light.

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I took the Civil - Water Resources depth (first timer)... 

AM started out a little difficult as I got hung up on some conceptual questions.  I skipped over these and flew through the other 30-35 questions.  Went back and was able to use my resources to answer a few others.  Probably around a 34 for the morning.  

PM started out strong, but by the time I got to the end I had about 5 questions I had answered that I was unsure on, and exactly 3 I had no idea on.  I was so burnt out by the end of the test I just eliminated some obviously wrong answers on those 3 and guessed. The ones I did know I was pretty confident on. Probably got 30-35.

Definitely feels like I passed but I can't stop thinking about the questions I didn't know.  The wait already sucks and its only been 3 days.

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I am a first time taker from southeast :)  I took WRE and the afternoon was just a killer! 

The AM was much better than what I thought it would be. I'm expecting 30 +/- 3 answered correctly. I could finish it under 3 hours, and reviewed it once which I could fix 2 of my mistakes and corrected it. (Tricky questions) 

I took School of PE preparation for both AM and PM. For AM, that preparation materials and videos were awesome! For PM ... 

When I started PM, I was thinking that I can get it passed only if I can answer to +24 of these questions, but as I was moving on, I realized that it's not possible. As much as School of PE was helpful for the AM session, it was absolute waste of time for the PM session! I spent +200 hrs watching their videos and solving their Workshop problems, but again, that was waste of time! Thank god I went over some of material from different sources in the last 48 hours before the test, otherwise I would be a complete bumper! Overall I thing I did 18 +/- 2 questions correct. I made 8 lucky shots, and the rest just not sure! 

If I pass I would be surprised but not shocked! ;)  

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I am a first time taker from southeast :)  I took WRE and the afternoon was just a killer! 

The AM was much better than what I thought it would be. I'm expecting 30 +/- 3 answered correctly. I could finish it under 3 hours, and reviewed it once which I could fix 2 of my mistakes and corrected it. (Tricky questions) 

I took School of PE preparation for both AM and PM. For AM, that preparation materials and videos were awesome! For PM ... 

When I started PM, I was thinking that I can get it passed only if I can answer to +24 of these questions, but as I was moving on, I realized that it's not possible. As much as School of PE was helpful for the AM session, it was absolute waste of time for the PM session! I spent +200 hrs watching their videos and solving their Workshop problems, but again, that was waste of time! Thank god I went over some of material from different sources in the last 48 hours before the test, otherwise I would be a complete bumper! Overall I thing I did 18 +/- 2 questions correct. I made 8 lucky shots, and the rest just not sure! 

If I pass I would be surprised but not shocked! ;)  
are you, me?  lol I think we're probably in a position where if the cut is low 50s we're good, if it's mid or high 50s we may not make it 

I came for the advice.

I stayed for the SPAM THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @NJmike PE @RBHeadge PE

NB to the newbies: If you want your scores, you have to spam. If you want a passing score, you have to spam more. It's simple science.
I don't know why you're @'ing me? I made the spam thread lasr session and totally screwed it up. We barely got halfway to the goal. Someone far more skilled than I needs to do it.

Re:spaming and getting results


are you, me?  lol I think we're probably in a position where if the cut is low 50s we're good, if it's mid or high 50s we may not make it 
^this is everyone, every session

are you, me?  lol I think we're probably in a position where if the cut is low 50s we're good, if it's mid or high 50s we may not make it 
😂 Did you have SOPE too? Apparently, everybody is happy about the AM portion. So, I guess the cut is going about 53-54 since a lot of people did well in the morning. 🤨 

Civil/Str 2nd time taking it.

AM - I felt good and I think this was where I improved the most from when I took it last fall, everything was pretty straight forward ended up guessing on 3-4.

PM - I felt slightly better than last fall, I noticed that this year it was a ton of look ups and conceptual questions. I ended up guessing on 7-8 after I went through it the first time and wish I would have saved myself some more time to look up a couple more.

There's nothing we can do now, hoping for the best.

I took the IE test in Pomona, CA. Was there any other IE’s there? 

It was my first time. I’m trying to keep my thoughts from being negative. I’m thankful it’s over. 

Mech HVAC 1st time taking it

I forgot my watch so it was great trying to pace myself but ended up finishing the AM 45 mins early and the PM 30 mins early which was surprising since I had a hard time with time during practice exams. I thought the test was easier than the NCEES practice exam or I might have fallen for all their tricks.

I did School of PE and Engineering Pro Guides 

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