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My Grandma and your Grandma

Sitting by the fire

My grandma said to your grandma

"I'ma set your snuggie on fire"



NC, have you ever heard or uttered the following?

"Anything from 18 to 80, crippled, blind, or crazy, if they can't walk, we'll carry them."

A buddy of mine used to use that phrase to describe his acceptance criteria for female companionship.

I thought It was 8 to 80?

that reminds me of the joke.....

what's the best thing about sleeping with TWENTY EIGHT years olds.......I don't know, there's 20 of them?

OK....I'm really not that creepy....but it's funny.

NC, have you ever heard or uttered the following?
"Anything from 18 to 80, crippled, blind, or crazy, if they can't walk, we'll carry them."

A buddy of mine used to use that phrase to describe his acceptance criteria for female companionship.
Why not just say any female of legal age. I'm imagining there isn't much difference between 80 and 90, but maybe NCcarguy can enlighten us?

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