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Good morning! Wow. This is the first 5-day week I've worked in a long time. It's wearing me out.

"The sun gets up, so up with you - up ear number 1, ear number 2!"

That's a line from a children's book, but I can't remember which one.

Mine 8 yr old got cold last night so she got up turned the thermostat to 90...I woke up at 5:30 sweating like a pig...

"The sun gets up, so up with you - up ear number 1, ear number 2!"
That's a line from a children's book, but I can't remember which one.
My wife got me an old copy of Tootle for Christmas. I didn't remember he took class on Pulling the Dining Car Without Spilling the Soup, which is amazing considering how much that made me laugh as a kid.

December 25 on the "old" calendar is January 7 on the "new" calendar.

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