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Everyone was waiting on TOP. i guess they really want one of those gimme caps.

Vendor Wear is pretty hard to come by in these tough economic times.

Is anybody keeping track? I think I have 6.
have the double posts been deleted? I know there is one at the end of page 12. I thought there was one a few pages after that.


ElCid03 has a double post at the end of page 12 and TranspoVA has a double post on the top of page 17.

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Is anybody keeping track? I think I have 6.
have the double posts been deleted? I know there is one at the end of page 12. I thought there was one a few pages after that.


El Cid has a double post at the end of page 12 and TranspoVA has a double post on the top of page 17.
So maybe I have 4. I know I got the first 2.

EDIT: Never mind, I have the 3rd post in the last 2 pages as well, so I'm back up to 6.

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Is anybody keeping track? I think I have 6.
have the double posts been deleted? I know there is one at the end of page 12. I thought there was one a few pages after that.


El Cid has a double post at the end of page 12 and TranspoVA has a double post on the top of page 17.
So maybe I have 4. I know I got the first 2.
After the first double post on page 12 I started posting "TOP" for the second post of each page, once the next double post on page 17 occurred I pretty much quit trying.


I think I have 7 actualy TOP's, that number could become 10 if the double posts are removed.

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After the first double post on page 12 I started posting "TOP" for the second post of each page, once the next double post on page 17 occurred I pretty much quit trying.

I think I have 7 actualy TOP's, that number could become 10 if the double posts are removed.
We need ourselves a Mod in here to play double post police.

I'm getting aggravated! The landlord has had some loud visitors today. One real estate lady just left. Not only did she stand right outside of my cube wall yakking in a loud voice, she stood there holding the front door open blabbing for about five minutes. It's cold out there, heifer !!! :angry:

if the 3rd double post on the 7th page were removed and replaced with a single post on the 1st and 4th pages, then all else being equal, the remainder of the top posts on the 22 and 24th pages would then be subtracted from the 28th page posts resulting in a page fault error and a monkey flying out of wil's butt.

if the 3rd double post on the 7th page were removed and replaced with a single post on the 1st and 4th pages, then all else being equal, the remainder of the top posts on the 22 and 24th pages would then be subtracted from the 28th page posts resulting in a page fault error and a monkey flying out of wil's butt.
You forgot to carry the 1.

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