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^its funnier if you imagine a fat woman named Pleasant....

"I'm on my way to mount Pleasant"

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Not to worry, Chuck. I changed my mind, once I realized the skiing sux in SC.

Mount Pleasant used to be fairly affordable, back in the 70s. Now it is ridiculously expensive, or at least it was before the bubble burst. I haven't investigated the area since around 2007, but I bet CT has a number of foreclosure to choose from down there now.

Not to worry, Chuck. I changed my mind, once I realized the skiing sux in SC.
Yes, yes it does. I think the elevation ranges from about 4 ft. above sea level to 13 ft. above sea level.

Mount Pleasant used to be fairly affordable, back in the 70s. Now it is ridiculously expensive, or at least it was before the bubble burst. I haven't investigated the area since around 2007, but I bet CT has a number of foreclosure to choose from down there now.
My mom grew up in Mount P. My grandmother still lives in the 3500 square foot house that my mom grew up in that she paid $16,000 for 50 years ago.

Mount P is definitely expensive but since the bubble burst it has gotten quite a bit cheaper.

Several places that seemed excessively expensive are actually returning to more "reasonable" prices. There are several communities here in Denver that saw 40% price drops because the area just doesn't have a big need or the income ranges for $1M+ homes.

Nope, it comes with a Snuggie which automatically brings a 5% price increase.

Nope, it comes with a Snuggie which automatically brings a 5% price increase.
That's it! All air passengers are required to fly in a snuggie, provided after the naked security search at the airport. Damn, I'm genius.

^^^ Agreed

16k doubled 5 times = $512k

5 doublings over 50 years= 1 doubling each 10 years --> ~7.2% interest...

lol, so many people lurking, waiting for the ToP...

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