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In memory of Kim Peek who past away yesterday. The movie Rain Man was based on him. Thus the K Mart, Cincinatti.

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In memory of Kim Peek who past away yesterday. The movie Rain Man was based on him. Thus the K Mart, Cincinatti.
I didn't know Kim passed away. I kind of happy for him though. If he hadn't gone before his dad, his life would have been thrown into chaos.

Trying to steer this back to a happier subject, I can't wait to celebrate passing the PE! I'll be having a few (read many) CABs on Christmas Eve in Lima.

^I'll be doing that too, but luckily my inlaws are pretty cool. My wife's aunt will be just as drunk, if not drunker than I will be.

Going to spend christmas at one of my SIL. She is the only one of the sisters with kids. Pretty much the whole 4 days I will be spending there are all focused on kid stuff. I'm not too thrilled about going. I'm not much of a kid person. I tried to make excuses to not go but all failed. I even offered to stay home so I could watch my dog but then she said she planned on brining him with us too.

Then I might be known as the drunk uncle. Oh well doesn't seem that bad when I think about it.

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