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It's really funny, because I used to be a hella beer drinker. I bet I've drank enough beer to float the good Cap'ns ship. I quit about two years ago since it started making me gain weight. Stupid old age and slowing down of metabolisms!

I had too much beer this past weekend. My weight is up. I hope it's just water.

:plusone: Good morning everyone! I'm working today and part of the day tomorrow before we leave for Peru for 2.5 weeks. Hopefully this will still be going when I get back, but I doubt it.
Here we go again...

...so much for getting anything done at work this week!

However, I do have a fish on the hook for lunch today...

Morning :plusone:

Getting ready to head off to grandma's house this morning.

Really, how did I get 14 new voice mails from the time I left work last night to now???

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