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I'm going to Texas to spend the holidays with aunt, uncle, and cousins. They are heavy drinkers, so I should be plastered most of the time.

Who said anything about being bored? I'm perfectly content to spam away and dream about the beer I will drink this week!

I got hubby's Christmas present in the mail yesterday. I hope it fits, it doesn't look like an XL. It looks great though.

Those of you going out of town: do you hafta haul all those Christmas presents with you? Sounds like quite a pain in the arse.

I think I'm going to be drinking lots of Maker's Mark.
There are better bourbons. Woodford Reserve and Elmer T. Lee come to mind.

You flying or driving wilheldp?

Those of you going out of town: do you hafta haul all those Christmas presents with you? Sounds like quite a pain in the arse.
We opened our presents to each other on Sunday, and we are just taking gift cards for the people we are visiting.

Southwest will be wrapping presents for free on the C concourse at DIA this week. That way you can take them through security unwrapped, but then get them wrapped before you show up!

There are better bourbons. Woodford Reserve and Elmer T. Lee come to mind.

I'll definitely take Bourbon advice from a Kentucky fella. I guess I always figured Maker's was the best bang for the buck. Not too expensive but still pretty smooth.

My Dad drinks George Dickel, I'll drink it but it isn't as good as Maker's.

We've got a suitcase full of presents that we are taking with us. It's a pain, but what can ya do?
My brother believes in shipping a box full of gifts a week before he & his family are supposed to arrive. I only had to do this once.

csb: That is so cool! Well, I hope they're fairly good at wrapping.

I'd hate to see how much it would cost to ship a package like that to Peru.

Well they've sent stuff to/from China before like that. Matter of fact, since the part of China she's from is freakishly cold, sometimes they ship a box of heavy-duty winter wear over there so they don't have to take it with. Then they ship it back when they leave.

I guess it helps that his wife makes a big salary. She's some kind of computer guru.

I'm much happier driving than flying, Chuck, especially this time of year. I hated going to NYC last year. Atlanta, blech.

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