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Half and half. I rented an office next to these guys since I subcontract a lot from them. But I have a home office too, where I have been doing the rest of my work. Since this is so close to home I may be here more often.

wil that sucks!

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wil, are you going to have to unpack anything while you wait for their vacation to end?

Internet working at the new office! Woo hoo!
Chuck, if you seriously have a stormwater question just ask it. I'm not a world expert like that last guy but I know a little. :)

Thanks Fluvial. I appreciate the offer, but my trouble is really with delineating the watersheds more than anything else. There are dozens of little structures and concrete pads all over the site that complicate things. At least I have some open topped basins that help.

Well, folks, that's all I can take as far as work goes this year. I'm sick of being the only one here, with nothing to do and the phone not ringing. I'm outta here...see you in 2010.

^Have a good one. I'm just working on personal stuff today. We'll be heading out in another hour or so.

I have less than a half hour left in me. I'm currently watching the Armed Forces Bowl GameCast on ESPN. Air Force is beating the piss out of Houston.

I received another computer because the old one had a virus/worm on it, now this one has a virus/worm on it. I kept telling the IT people that it was on a shared drive but did they listen....nnoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

:lamo: :smash:

Thanks Fluvial. I appreciate the offer, but my trouble is really with delineating the watersheds more than anything else. There are dozens of little structures and concrete pads all over the site that complicate things. At least I have some open topped basins that help.
Okay, but if you ever do want to run something past me just holler. :)

bourbon in the forecast? for shore! Wife picked up a single malt scotch today...its pretty good, got a nice peaty taste to it.

whats the runoff coefficient for peat?

Edit - ToP - :bananapowerslide:

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Last post in here for 2009 for me. We're heading out and I'm leaving the computer here. See you guys next year!

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