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Later gator! Have a good 'Eve

checking top 10...

wilheldp_PE 134

Fluvial 121

ble31980 120

Chucktown PE 115

Mary :) 72

Flyer_PE 58

Santiagj 55

EM_PS 50

bigray76 48

Dleg 43

second glass of scotch..starting to feel warm & fuzzy...gonna go out to eat, probably have some huma lupa licious IPA, lay around the shanty and put a good buzz on


Happy New Year! The far side of the earth is still here, and the sun has risen, so all is well for 2010.

Indeed. I can't believe a dacade has passed... I remember 1999/2000 well.

This new job you keep talking about, is it not in Saipan?
In its ideal form, it is. And I am just one signature away from being detailed to Saipan. But being an environmental regulator here for many years has made me a number of enemies (well, at least, politicians who don't want someone around who knows the enviornmental regulations and enforces them), so that last signature has become a problem.... because it's a Saipan signature.

But the good news is it's a very transferrable position, so I will be able to find something somewhere, and I have sent out a bunch of applications recently as a hedge against not getting on in Saipan.

Ha! We just had one... and it got me one signature. The last one should be a given, but something is interfering....

I signed a piece of paper with all the people I was at a party with on 1999/2000. Wonder where

1. the paper is

2. any of those people are

I was trying to get with a girl who ultimately rejected me. But then I started dating my wife a few months later, so it worked out.

I don't have any idea what I did on New Year's 99/00.
Y2K i remember well, holed up in our bomb shelter...

actually, went bowling of all things - prime rib dinner & unlimited bowling deal w/ wife & her kin, drunker than a monkey, little realizing that 9 months later, wife & I woud be splitsville - a lifetime ago and life is decisively better

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