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That's some freaky weather Dleg. Don't y'all need to toss a virgin into a volcano or somethin' and stop that mess?

Yeah, well.... I guess that's the whole problem around here. No more virgins.


My dad came over with mom today. He hauled some stuff to the trash for me, but he basically sat around and watched the football game. I was basically sorting and packing a few things, but mom was doing the bulk of the packing. I'm still tired from it though.

At least I'm good about throwing stuff away. My huge trashcan is packed completely full of crap I'm throwing away. When I moved to L'ville from Cincy, I threw away more than this. It's an excellent time to purge.

maybe you should have a talk with my wife about throwing crap away. each time we move, we seem to get MORE crap.

Every time I move, I realize that stuff expands to fill the available space. I had only lived in apartments before I bought this house, but now every nook and cranny is full of stuff.

Every time I move, I realize that stuff expands to fill the available space. I had only lived in apartments before I bought this house, but now every nook and cranny is full of stuff.
It's even worse after your kids get big. Things just kind of "appear" in my house now. Sometimes nobody will even claim them.

It's even worse after your kids get big. Things just kind of "appear" in my house now. Sometimes nobody will even claim them.
My dad keeps making snarky comments about me getting some of my crap out of his basement when I get my new house. He made the same idle threats when I bought this house, so I'm largely ignoring him.

Today's already a holiday for me, but I haven't been able to relax much. The gas ran out while we were cooking lunch for the kids, so now we have a half-cooked pizza and a bunch of money I am going to have to spend because the gas ran out 2 months early, which must mean that the hose is leaking. Fortunately it appears to be leaking outside the house. I'm sure I would have smelled it if it was leaking inside. A little scary....

Plus I've got to bring my car in for the 30,000 major servicing tomorrow, including brake pads, and that's going to run me a pretty substantial sum. Uggh.

Good morning everyone!!

At least I'm good about throwing stuff away. My huge trashcan is packed completely full of crap I'm throwing away. When I moved to L'ville from Cincy, I threw away more than this. It's an excellent time to purge.
That seems to be the way it works for me too. I'll hold on to stuff more than I need to, but when I move, in the trash it goes.

I think I'm more motivated to throw stuff away now that I have been watching Hoarders. But my house looks more like theirs than it ever has because I have emptied out all of the storage areas to get stuff packed.

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