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I'm putting up the last of the Christmas decorations today, but yesterday, I was caulking above my head on a ladder. I'll finish tomorrow.

No kidding, just doing new tasks that you haven't done in a while can make you super sore. Hope all goes well, Mary!

I just finished up what I needed to do at work, now off to my daughter's gymnastics meet!

Later all!

My feet hurt and my back was killing me yesterday afternoon from walking 18 holes. I hadn't done that in a few months, so my body wasn't really prepared for it.

Seems like whenever I move, I lose one of my favorite things but also find a long-lost favorite thing.

^^ Oh snap!

I was just reading " On the 23rd day of Christmas, my true love gave to me ... take down that tree already dammnit!!"

I'm glad we decided to not put up Christmas decorations this year. It would have been too hard to take them down after coming back from a 2 week vacay.

Yeah that is a pain. I came back from 3-day vac to kids moving out and in, and office moving. No wonder I was late getting Xmas stuff down! A lot of it is still sitting on the dining room table, waiting to be boxed up & put in the attic.

Last year when we went to NYC for Xmas, we didn't put up any decorations here.

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I'm about 75% packed. But that last 25% is probably going to take 75% of the time. My mom likes to pack because she thinks she's abnormally good at it. I let her continue to think that and benefit from her packing my stuff.

My wife's family likes to think they are pro movers too. I just like to let them go with it. It only costs me the price of some beer and lunch.

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