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Morning. Got back last night at 8:00, had the car unpacked by 8:30. No more road trips for another month...woo hoo.

Wifey's 30th birthday is tomorrow. Need to go pick up the bicycle (her present) during lunch. I can't find my stinking Dick's Sporting Goods Coupon.

sad news this morning...I just found out that a friend of mine from the beach died yesterday morning from a heart attack at the age of 49!

It reminded me that like Tim McGraw sang about.....Live each day like you are dying, and always be a friend, a friend would like to have!!!!

Life is short, make the most of it!

RIP Lee!

I'm sorry to hear about your friend NC. :(

On another depressing note, Jmbeck just posted that his office is closing and he's out of a job. :(

It is a gorgeous day.

I'm grumpy 'coz I've got a bit of a sore throat and headache. Stupid cold. Bah humbug on this Monday !!!

My day is sucking right now. I need to go out and pick up my wife's bicycle but the MLK Day parade (which basically is a bunch of people driving cars slowly and honking the horns repeatedly) is going on right now and they have the street blocked so I can't leave. I can't work due to the horn honking and the occasional marching band. This has been going on for an hour now. Hopefully it will end soon.

Edit: It apparently will not end soon. I looked out of the window and there are at least another 50 cars...I mean floats to go.

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