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I got a little bit of packing done last night. I'll probably do some more after golf today. And mom is coming over to help pack tomorrow. Now, if I could just get a closing date.

Hey Ble, you're in second place now.

Also, now your name seems like "Bleepee" to me. :p

Everyone in my house has a cold right now. Babies don't sleep well when they are stopped up!!
we went through that when we got home from Christmas in the CHicago area. Both grandmas had some form of cold so mini-snick ended up with it who in turn gave it to me.

Good morning again! Rainy in the future again. Weather forecasters are predicting a cold front/gale later this week - real mid-latitudes weather. Extremely unusual this far into the tropics. You can tell from the forecast language that the meteorologists are really geeking out about it.

Both grandmas had some form of cold so mini-snick ended up with it who in turn gave it to me.
That is the great thing about having kids - they bring home all the latest germs. :p

Morning Dleg! It's been raining at my house all day.

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