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My buyer is back stateside and has all his info to the underwriters. Maybe this thing will close sooner than the 29th.

That's the way I read it too. I think what he means is, it was a hold-up so far, but now the guy's back. Or something.

My parents had about $40k set aside for each of our college eductions. They told each of us that we could go anywhere in the country we wanted to go, except for the University of South Carolina. If it costed more than $40k they would make up the difference, if it costed less due to scholarships, we got to keep the leftovers. After scholarships and going to an in state school (Clemson) I ended up using about $10k. My parents gave me the $30k in a brokerage account in the form of blue chip stocks when I graduated with my M.S. degree. That $30k is worth about $45k now even with all the ups and downs of the market. I plan on using that to send my kids to school one day. My middle brother ended up with about the same left over, he also went to Clemson. My youngest brother, who is also at Clemson, is getting paid to go to school right now so he's going to have it made when he graduates.

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I need a drink after crunching cost data from the last 16 years on hospital projects...

So we just found out that a job that we're bidding on is being cancelled, leaving us with exactly 0 projects down the tube. Not good.

It would be cheaper than universal health care...
No good, Ble.

True. I got this email earlier today, and your comment made me think of it:

Subject: To Lease or not to Lease

The math on the Paul McCartney-Heather Mills divorce is as follows:

After 5 years of marriage, he paid her $49 million.

Assuming he had sex every night during their 5 year relationship it ended up costing him $26,849 per time.


On the other hand, New York Governor Elliot Spitzer's hooker,Kristen, an absolute stunner charges $4,000 per night.

Had Paul McCartney "employed" Kristen for 5 years, he would have paid $7.3 million in total, for sex every night for 5 years (a $41.7 million savings).

Value-added benefits are:

-a 22 year old

-no begging

-no coaxing

-never a headache

-happily agrees to all requests

-no complaining

-no honey-do lists

-has two great legs

-Best of all, she leaves , and comes back when asked. All at 1/7th the cost and no legal fees.

Sometimes leasing just makes more sense.
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I'm just sitting here goofing off now! I need to get a little more done, then my 55 mile trip back to Raleigh!

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