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Or go to college.
this is the part the hubby and I tend to disagree. I paid/took loans myself to pay for school and his parents paid for everything for him and his brother (hubby did fine, his older brother however was a professional student until about 4 yrs ago).

We've started a college savings plan for mini-ble, but at the most all we are looking at paying is for tuition. I took loans and worked my butt off through school and he'll do the same.

Anyone listen to pandora while at work? Any suggested band for radio stations? right now I'm listening to Hyper crush radio.

Everything like that is blocked at work. This is the only entertaining site I can access.

Man that sucks. IT had blocked pandora but it threw the employees into a frenzy. We convinced them to unblock the site. It really improves productivity. Especially when your in a cubicle farm like me. It helps me focus on what I'm doing.

I'm not really into hair metal anymore.

I listen to the AOL radio, their Ambient channel. It's music without words. It helps me zone in to my work without being distracting.

I've got small college funds for mini Mr. Chucktown and little Miss Chucktown started ($2000 each). I probably need to roll them into 529 accounts. They also each have $2000 in savings accounts but I should probably take that money and invest it for them so it will return something. I intend to pay for my childrens' educations. My parents did the same for me and my brothers and we all did quite well in school. I think it is probably one of the greatest gifts you can give your child.

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My wife had everything paid for, but we both agree that we won't pay for everything for our kids, but we are planning to help out. I consider my kids college education to come after my retirement and cash savings.

I wasn't able to put back any money for my kids, and neither was hubby with his kids. They are getting student loans, I've taken out a couple of parent loans, and oldest son is going on the G.I. Bill.

My folks weren't able to pay for us either, so it seems normal to me.

My parents paid tution and I paid for books/materials. I also stayed home to save on that expense and had a decently sized scholarship.

My first two years of college were paid by an athletic scholarship, but after that I worked and took out loans to pay for school. I'm the only one of my siblings that has not lived with my parents since I left for college when I was 18.

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