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I'm the only one of my siblings that has not lived with my parents since I left for college when I was 18.
The first four of us pretty much hit the road after high school. I did have to come back briefly one time.

It takes a bigger percentage of what a person makes to live now, I think. When I was 18 and rented a house, it was about $100 a month. I was making $2.65 an hour. Now minimum wage is - what - $7? And rents are more like $600.

The first four of us pretty much hit the road after high school. I did have to come back briefly one time.
A friend of mine told me she was leaving home the day she turned eighteen. I thought she was full of it, but sure enough, the day she turned eighteen, she sang "Happy birthday to me," packed her bags, and was in the wind before 9am. Ended up getting an engineering degree from Virginia Tech, IIRC.

I really got lucky with being able to find a job before I graduated. My brother graduated with a computer degree right at the dot-com bust, so he was screwed.

My parents' deal with both my sister and I were that they provided us with our first car and our college education. After that, we're on our own. My sister is a lawyer and I'm an engineer, and neither of us have had a need to move back home. So my parents consider their decision a success.

I was lucky - my parents were willing to support me through college, although I did have an academic scholarship that paid nearly all my tuition for 4 years. I imagine if they had forced me to get loans and pay for it myself, they would have had much less input on what I studied or if I went to college at all. They did have limitations though - and would only pay for college at in-state tuition rates and they insisted I get a degree in something that would let me get a job that pays the bills. If I really wanted to go to some prestigious school, I'd have to figure out a way to make up the difference in cost.

When I have children, I don't want college to be optional for them. I feel if we were to force them to go to college, we should help them pay for it. I think my husband has a different opinion though, so that future discussion will be interesting . . .

My buyer is back stateside and has all his info to the underwriters. Maybe this thing will close sooner than the 29th.

I feel if we were to force them to go to college, we should help them pay for it.
A kid always does better making their own choices rather than having things forced on them. The trick is to teach them how to make wise choices as they are growing up. You ought to allow them to fail every so often to teach them good problem solving skills and resiliency.

College isn't for everyone, either.

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