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This morning's meeting is shaping up to be an ugly one. We are discussing a $65000 change order with the customer on a job that has already gone over the budget, and used up the whole contingency fund...and we have another 8 months of construction left. They aren't going to be pleased.

Nope, but I don't have to work tomorrow.

Edit: BOP!

Now, who caught the alley oop?

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What's up with the board again? It took three attempts to get on. it was running slooooow earlier but seems OK now.

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Good morning all from Fayetteville! I think I have a FULL day of billable work!! woohoo!! Never freaked out about it so much until it directly related to making my house payment!

Never freaked out about it so much until it directly related to making my house payment!
Makes your booty squinch up don't it?

I've finally gotten some of this other stuff out of the way so that I can actually work on billable things. That's a relief 'coz I was beginning to wonder if I could make it through the month.

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