5 k thread fall 09 results version

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I am on a major caffine / pissed off / rant so I just got lucky!

If I get drunk later and arbitrarily delete threads and screw the whole thread up I aplogize in advance ;)

Yup, totally ;) I mean 7 ToP's today is a really poor showing on your part. I expect more out of you tomorrow . . . oh wait, didn't you say you have all day meetings for the rest of the week? Maybe the 5K thread will be over by then . . .
No, they are half day meetings, so I will only get 3.5 ToPs.


Goodbye. Time to start writing up the findings of my 9 hour inspection of two different facilities.

No - 9 hours for both. 4 hours yesterday, 5 today. Landfill and transfer station stuff. Yes, kinda dirty.

Passing through on my way to bed. I landed about 4 hours ago and I still can't hear out of my left ear. My right one cleared about an hour ago. Stupid cold.

Not really fun... the feds are coming next week to basically decide whether or not to take over from us in enforcement. So it's do or die. Fortunately, this does not rest in my hands. I've done my job all along, and the record shows that. It's all up above me ^^^^^^^ where the inaction has taken place. Nevertheless, I have a ton of writing and reviewing records to do now, and I really should stop procrastinating.

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