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Good morning all from Fayetteville! I think I have a FULL day of billable work!! woohoo!! Never freaked out about it so much until it directly related to making my house payment!

Great news Carguy!! That's the main reason I don't think I could have my own business. My risk tolerance is pretty low.

^^ It helps if you have a working spouse to even out the rollercoaster. Hubby pays the mortgage, so I don't worry about that.

Yea, my wife has thought about trying to start a company of some sort, but with the little one at home, it's a little difficult to get things started.

Nope. Remember the guy who wanted a partner then didn't want a partner? Well he moved his office. Since I was leasing the office next to him (since I subcontract so much work from him) then I moved my office too. Now we are closer to my house, which is good. I still have my home office too. Confusing isn't it?

morning, everyone

I'm not sure why the board is running so slowly, but it's a good public service announcement for everyone to go in and delete attachments you aren't using anymore. It's under "My Controls" and then "Manage My Attachments." I know in the past it's slowed us down.

I think the server is dying. Dying a slow, painful, snuggie-riddled death.

That meeting sucked. Now they want us to recircuit all of the emergency lights to save about $5000 of a $65000 change order. Dammit.

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