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I continue to wonder what RW's avatar looks like, since it's blocked by websense.

this is a furlough week so I am strictly forbidden from working more than 32 hrs. I seriously considering saying fuck it and phoning it in.
I would be an effin' ghost if I wasn't being paid. There have to be consequences when employers take the furlough cost-cutting route, or else they will keep doing it.

the game was very repetitious.
I think the word you are looking for is repetitive.

I think the word you are looking for is repetitive.

rep·eti·tious (-əs)


full of or characterized by repetition, esp. tiresome or boring repetition

You just stole the grammar gun and pointed it back at me. No fair!

But at least I got a ToP out of it. :bananalama:

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That's one of the reasons I try not to correct someone's grammar. I rarely use correct grammar myself and I can't remember all the rules I learned in elementary school.

That's one of the reasons I try not to correct someone's grammar. I rarely use correct grammar myself and I can't remember all the rules I learned in elementary school.
Repetitious just isn't a word that I have seen spelled out very much in my life, but I have heard it spoken several times. That's what threw me off.

Where's all the snow everyone's been talking about?! I expected to walk into 14 ft snowwalls here in Colorado, but I haven't seen a bit!
welcome to the January thaw! it happens almost every year, February comes back with a vengance.

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