I need a beer.
Yea, I quoted the wrong person for that one. Please don't send pics! 
That apple fritter won't get rid of your sore throat. Drink some pickle juice.
I had the same problem earlier, but it seems to be back to normal now...Yea, I've noticed that too. It has taken several minutes to load a page quite a few times this morning.The board is acting funny today. Sometimes I can't connect, and when I do it's really slow.
you must attract allot of attention in that P-40Safe arrival at client site. The landing was an "arrival" but that's to be expected after a 6-week hiatus. Also haven't quite shaken a cold so I was damn near deaf when I landed. Got to go flying though!
i can so relate. When we finished the basement in our old house, we only had to box out ductwork, extend a wall 4 feet and box out the cinderbrick wall/foundation to make a ledge. and that took what seemed an outragously large amount of wood.I've been working on the framing plan for my future basement project. It's going to require a lot of lumber.