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It seems that my distaste for just about everything on television has caused me to miss out on the same.

It seems that my distaste of military law/CSI-type shows has forced me to miss out on some sort of farting hippopotamus action.

It seems that my distaste for just about everything on television has caused me to miss out on the same.

Call me crazy but I just don't thing we're missing out on a whole lot.

All I know about the current TV shows is what I see during commercial breaks during NFL games and NASCAR races. I don't feel deprived.

I got mine a stuffed Hippo puppet for her 30th. Granted it was the same hippo from NCIS (Abbey's "farting" hippo, Bert), which is her favorite show.
Hey ... where can I get one of those?! Mrs. JR is REALLY wanting one .. I am thinking Valentine's Day gift! :true:
Unfortunately, you have to make your own as they don't sell an official NCIS Bert.

It's a Folkmanis Hippo puppet (~$35), then you can pick up a self-inflating whoopie cushon at any It's Your Move store in the mall (~$5), and a studded dog collar (~$10).

I cusomized the one for my wife in that I gave it a pink collar instead of the traditional black.

more info:

Thanks for the tip!!! The fact that you have to make it and it isn't off-the-shelf makes it even better! :D

Thanks for the asexual help NCCarguy.
Hey!!!! What about me - I steered away from the low-hanging fruit too!!! :)

The way she's been acting lately I should be giving her a bag of coal, but that would probably only contribute to the feeling of marital bliss around our household as of late.
I am all for bags of coal these days ... nothing much more american than coal! :D


The wife is out with her friends, the kids are all at least in their rooms and quiet... the beer is cold... time to relax!

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