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Better than having the cop find you with your license expired by one day.

Man. It is so cold. I have a wool blanket on my lap but my feet are getting cold.

My feet just got warm. I have slipper socks on, but if I put my feet on the floor, they get cold. I've got them curled up on the couch with me.

Man. It is so cold. I have a wool blanket on my lap but my feet are getting cold.

Sounds like you need a Snuggie. :p

It's 12 deg here now with a forecast low of +1 tonight and I still have to walk the dog when I get home. Definitely using the Carhartts tonight.

19 here, course a couple feet of snow on the ground gives you that warm fuzzy feeling, unlike our friends south of mason-dixon :D

I now have 3 pairs of sox on. That helped.

Contemplating whether or not to go to the gym in the morning.

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That means you should go. Never not go when you're waffling. It will make it easier to flake out the next time.

Yeah. It's just gonna be mighty cold when I come out of there, after being in the pool.

Wow. The pond is frozen over this morning! I know that isn't a big deal for y'all that live up North, but I haven't seen that happen here in years. Hubby says the pond has only frozen over one other time that he can recall.


It makes for some cool photos. Those white spots are little ice crystals - they look like individual snowflakes, but they're bigger.

I'm at work too. At least its quiet. After a hectic week, its nice to be here by myself.

Also the only one here...I always feel like I can get more done in 4 hrs on a Saturday than 40 during the week...key ingredient is lack of people...

It's snowing here again. None of the stuff that fell the last 3 days has melted since we have had a high of 20-something since then. It's supposed to get up to the low 40s next week, so maybe some of it will melt off.

this deep freeze going all the way thru texas and even into florida has got to be freakin' out all the confederates southerners :)

Hell its sunny w/ blue skies up here...and a balmy 20 - perfect skiing weather!

this deep freeze going all the way thru texas and even into florida has got to be freakin' out all the confederates southerners :)
I have taken the opportunity to get some very cool photos:


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