Surging all over right now, more than half of the states. I know I have seen CDC saying that small, in-home gatherings are one thing causing the current spread but I don't know. Where I am, we are seeing a big surge and it's being driven by some work clusters (probably people eating together on break), a lot of small and large in-home gatherings, and multi-generational homes. And this last one is unfortunately driving hospitalizations and deaths because of the old people living in these homes.
I've had to crack down on my own staff to prevent workplace spread. I don't get the disconnect. They think they are doing the right thing because they wear their masks and socially distance at their work stations etc., but then when it's lunch time I catch them all together in one small room, masks off, talking up a storm. I really just don't get the disconnect there. But I am guessing it must be pretty common.