I've only been at the DOE for about a month now so I don't know any of the people on the list here, but at previous Gov't jobs, that used to be one of the pastimes towards the end of the year when the requests for donated leave would come out...seeing who 'needed' leave and deciding if they deserved it or not. The vast majority of the time, the ones requesting donated leave were the people who blew through their sick leave rather than use annual leave and then ended up **** creek when they actually got sick.We had several people (in government world) who would use it as personal days and not really when sick
I have seen absolutely no indication that children are at an elevated risk. ALL of the public health agencies in affected countries (which currently sits at 76) are reporting the same thing: the people most at risk of severe illness are older adults and people with underlying health conditions. Severe cases and even infection in general among children has not been reported. It would be pretty tough to coordinate a lie that big, among 76 countries.To say it doesn't affect little ones is so wrong. China really needs to tell the truth about this virus.
I don’t believe they are at elevated risk, but I do believe they have a way better chance at surviving the virus. But reports I hear in the western media is that they are at almost no risk of dying, downplaying the risk of getting infected.I have seen absolutely no indication that children are at an elevated risk.