2019 Novel Coronavirus

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Avoiding NY in its entirety, even when its not the Corona Times, would likely be the better option.

Avoiding NY in its entirety, even when its not the Corona Times, would likely be the better option.
Hahahahahahaha, since a majority of my family is located there, it's a little difficult.

I have a flight to go home in July.  That...might get cancelled and I will prob drive, depending on what happens in the next month with airlines (they...are not handling social distancing well).

& this virus is really handing NY its ass on a plate, its safer in Florida to be honest (which is strange) 

*is trapped in awkward moment of realizing I may love my family*

I feel bad I havent been back east to see my parents and then when I do get in the same house as them after day 2 I am like "Why am I doing this to myself?"

anyone see the news stories about the cruise ship workers being trapped on the ship and basically stuck in their cabins because there cruise companies are too cheap to fly to send them all home?  jesus, if there ever was an industry that needs to die its probably them

anyone see the news stories about the cruise ship workers being trapped on the ship and basically stuck in their cabins because there cruise companies are too cheap to fly to send them all home?  jesus, if there ever was an industry that needs to die its probably them
I saw that one.  Although the rules are a little crazy.   They can only leave if by private transportation to chartered plane no commercial flights for them and have to leave the city by days end, no hotel layovers.  THe cruise company is held responsible if workers break the rules.  

it sounded like some companies were going to try to sort the staff by geographic regions and cruise them back the areas so they can get on a shorter flight.   

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Should try driving in NYC with a manual transmission vehicle while UN general assembly is in session.

Definition of circle of hell
I thought I was nuts still driving stick in regular NC traffic.  You have to be a masochist to do the same in NYC on a regular day, never mind unusual circumstances.

I thought I was nuts still driving stick in regular NC traffic.  You have to be a masochist to do the same in NYC on a regular day, never mind unusual circumstances.
it was work assignment, not by choice.

I frankly do not know why most people who live in NYC even own cars. The one city in this country where you probably go without car.

And what was probably the most useless car dealership I ever saw, a Maserati dealer in the middle of midtown Manhattan😟

it was work assignment, not by choice.

I frankly do not know why most people who live in NYC even own cars. The one city in this country where you probably go without car.

And what was probably the most useless car dealership I ever saw, a Maserati dealer in the middle of midtown Manhattan😟
Uh, they buy the Maserati so they can drive out to the Hamptons during the summer.  Duh.

As for driving stick - my mom still does.  She actually prefers it.  Though I feel bad when we're in stop and go on the LIE or going through the Bronx.  I wonder if her arm gets tired shifting back and forth from 1st to 2nd then down again.
