2019 Novel Coronavirus

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It seems like China pretty much circled the wagons and eliminated any movement in or out of those cities - and we seem to be hesitant to take that sort of drastic measure - I’m assuming they have people running numbers that are smarter than me but I was expecting all domestics flights to stop for 2 weeks to sort things out -

Just as I was getting ready to go to bed the phone rang. It was an automated call telling us to stay home tomorrow. Not sure if it’s the entire Federal building or just the DOE. 

If y'all can't figure out what to eat, GrubHub has temporarily waived their commissioning fees for independent restaurants, and I believe you also have the option of door/porch dropoff.  So if you have any good local places you want to keep in business until this dies down, now's the time to order!

Welp, VA is still open for business.  I went out on Friday, when I think Indianapolis announced schools would be closed, and grocery stores were packed.  I saw many people buying things that...are not appropriate for long-term meal planning (think boxes of rice-a-roni and such instead of buying staples).  Went out again on Saturday, because I wanted a rotisserie chicken for stock, and then was waaaaaaay less people out.  I think social distancing is becoming a thing.

Ohio and Illinois have both closed restaurants/casinos/etc. for a solid two weeks.  Indiana is nestled in-between these states, so I think it's only a matter of time before that happens here.

A lot of companies are going to come out of this a little leaner. There are a lot of companies that don't regularly look for excess staffing. Companies that have never done so before will now have to identify essential and non-essential employees, and they're going to have to ask the question of whether the non-essential employee work could be handled by the essentials.

I just came from a company that performed a yearly assessment of everyone to see where they could trim fat. But now at this company, it doesn't look like they do that. At least I'm an essential here.

One thing I don't understand is why the number of potential infections in the US is expected to be so high, when in China the peak seems to have already occurred and the total is around 80,000.  There's an article on NY times, https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/03/13/opinion/coronavirus-trump-response.html, that lets you adjust a chart to see the impact of early interventions and aggressive tactics to reduce the number of cases.  The lowest I can get the peak number is around 500,000, with 50,000 deaths.  (If you don't do anything this tool estimates about 100,000,000 people will get infected and 1,000,000 will die.)

Why would we expect to get so many more cases here than China did at the peak, when they have a lot more people and were caught off guard by this, while we've had time to get prepared?  What am I missing?

Obviously this tool makes some assumptions, and I know China has taken some drastic measures, but these numbers seem way off.
China essentially ordered house arrest for an entire province. And while it put a serious dent in the growth of the infected it still hasn't fully terminated the spread. It's not clear that the US could legally execute such a strategy even if it had the willpower to do so. Additionally we've had community spread of the virus in varied localities for over a month, so it's not like we could isolate and entire region and shut down our borders to prevent the spread and influx of infected.

Work is enforcing 2 week work from home and schools are closed till end of March with possibility of more.  Supermarket shelves continue to be woefully bare...

It's not clear that the US could legally execute such a strategy even if it had the willpower to do so.
 I think all the news outlets are doing this for us. Whatever they can do to keep everyone at home glued to their TV’s....

As someone married to someone in the medical field, I am still firmly of the opinion that this is all being vastly overblown. By all means be cautious, especially if you are in a high-risk group, but thinking the world needs to come to a grinding halt is too much. 

I'm a little bummed the Nashville guitar show got cancelled. Me and my business partner were going to show off a few of our guitars.

I'm a little bummed the Nashville guitar show got cancelled. Me and my business partner were going to show off a few of our guitars.
I hear you.  I'm sad that my anniversary trip has to be postponed, also some great concerts that I was looking forward to. But it's all good.  I totally support all these changes.  Is your show postponed until next year?

I guess so. All they said was that the Nashville and Chicago shows were cancelled. Didn't say anything able new dates. 😞

If y'all can't figure out what to eat, GrubHub has temporarily waived their commissioning fees for independent restaurants, and I believe you also have the option of door/porch dropoff.  So if you have any good local places you want to keep in business until this dies down, now's the time to order!

Grub hub and Uber Eats, etc. don't deliver out here in the middle of nowhere, but the plus side is we killed a possibly rabid raccoon in our yard yesterday so we have something fresh to eat!

and dont you have deer that stumble across your property?

2000-2019 - I want a mocha mocha non fat extra soy latte please, extra hot, no foam...

2020 & beyond - Bitch we have black coffee take it or leave it!
